Loren (Wakfu AU)



  • Loren Roux

  • loren_thumb_by_punx_simon-dcs1l0n.png
  • Age 21
  • Gender Male
  • Race Feca
  • Nation Amakna
  • Alignment Lawful Good

"Hello! How may I help you?"

A well raised and behaved feca, from a young age prepared to one day become a Head Guard of Amakna
(the highest rank of a guard), just like his father. Unfortunately, he became a said Head Guard quicker than he expected, and in the worst circumstance he could imagine, of his father disappearing during the war.
All his father's responsibilities fell on his shoulders, and now he has to adapt to the new situation. 
His duty is to protect the King and citizens. 
Loren isn't a stereotypical nerdy feca, and knows very little about the build of feca gears, but he makes up for it by knowing how to use it efficently.What really makes him who he is, is the will to protect his friends and family. His enemies and rivals better don't let his skinny and short appearance mislead them. 

He's strong physically and fights very well, but can of course get outsmarted and beaten by someone more strong or more intelligent. He rarely loses fights or gets hurt, but when he does it often ends up really bad for him, considering one's got to deal lots of damage to weaken his defense and break his shields.



Birthday:September 5th
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 172cm
Orientation: Homosexual
  • Early morning
  • Outdoors
  • Coffee
  • Selfless people
  • Making new friends
  • Friendly fights and duels
  • Mess and dirt
  • Needles and hospitals
  • Being interrupted
  • Feeling unappreciated
  • Unnecessary violence
  • Arguing


Loren smiles a lot and most of the time he's optimistic, in a mood for jokes.  He's an outgoing person, loves to make new acquaintances and friends, doesn't mind talking to strangers or helping them as long as they don't seem suspicious.He loves to chat, but sometim
es he forgets himself and gossips a little. He always tries to approach people in a friendly way to make a good first impression.  However, he's not going to put an effort into befriending someone who's unreasonably mean or rude, and most probably won't even try to be nice to them or care about them.

Loren wants everything to go his way, and thus often disagrees with others' opinions, decisions or ideas. 
However he's not stubborn and often will put his ego aside and get his priorities straight, or will do his best to find a compromise in the end. He prefers easy solutions and avoids arguing. In a situation where he is ordered to do something he doesn't agree with, where there are no other options, he will rather do it than refuse and make a fuss about it. He's got a big commitment to his work and is not afraid of taking responsibilities. He rather comes off as modest, but likes when people appreciate his work. Loren is also overly caring about his look and reputation.

Other details

  • Sometimes he forgets himself and gossips

  • Always wakes up early, even if goes to bed late.
  • Takes his ponytail down only if he's not working.
  • Likes to have everything sorted, segregated, tidy and ordered
  • Doesn't like when people won't put items back where they belong.
  • Has his own room in the Royal Palace since he became the Head Guard.
  • He has a Boowolf mount-companion named Avalanche. A huge fluffy blue wolf who loves belly rubs.
  • One time his arm got bitten by a Nyl Ripper (it's why he's got a wound on a few pictures).
  • He attended to same high school with Nekochi and Shiel.


Teleports anywhere within 20 meters.
Can teleport carrying any object (not bigger than himself)
or a single person.
With a touch of a hand casts a magic spell on the ground that slows down opponents, for as long as the hand touches the ground.
Hits the ground with a staff and causes an earthquake in a fixed area.
The caster throws flames of fire
Forms a 6-foot-long staff formed of earth magic and wields this staff as if it were a quarterstaff, with a 10% chance of stunning an opponent.
Flames sheathe a sword, harming neither the caster nor the weapon but possibly burning opponents.
Creates a sphere to protect the caster and up to 3 allies. It's invincible as long as the caster doesn't use any other spell.


Loren comes from a good amaknian family, where he was raised very well by his kind and understanding parents. He had a carefree childhood, in school he was liked a lot by others and had good grades. In highschool he began to work as an amaknian guard by his father's side, who was a Head Guard at that time. Years later his father went missing in unexplained circumstances and Loren was choosen to take over his father's rank. Now he serves his nation as a Head Guard and at the same time he's a Governor's assistant and bodyguard. 

Altair [ lover ]
Loren and Altair have come closer to each other after they both have lost their fathers, who were also good friends. And since Loren became the new Head Guard, his duty was to be near Altair. With time, they got to know each other better, and neither of them knows when exactly they've fallen for each other. They've only realized it once they got separated from each other in bad circumstances. Nowadays, they keep their relationship in secret to avoid controversy.

More about them

Larmes [father
Loren always looked up to his father, and he learned a lot from him. Larmes' disappearance was tough for Loren to accept, and it wasn't the way he expected to become a Head Guard that his father once was. Sometimes he gets insecure and thinks his father would do the job better than he does. He loves his father and still hopes he gets found alive. 

Nekochi [Best Friend
Loren's best friend from high school. They used to always stick together. Nowadays they're both busy with their lives but still stay in touch.Loren used to have a crush on him in high school, which Nekochi doesn't know about. 

Renex [Friend
They have met each other once Renex has joined the ranks and became a guard. Renex is lower in rank, but it never mattered to Loren, who he sees him as an equal. He has befriended Renex during missions they had together.

Shiel [?
Loren never really understood why Shiel disliked him when they were going to the same high school. Years later Shiel has apologized for his past mistakes but it's still hard for Loren to forget how Shiel used to lash out and take his anger out on him. They seem to be in neutral relations at the moment.
