


8 years, 1 month ago



Name: Nadine LeDarc
Species: Bamharr (Closed Species by LotusLumino)
Age: 226 Appears: 20~
Height: 5'3
Build: Big breasts, wide-ish hips.
Gender: Female
Occupation: –-
Relationship status: Single
Birthday: 24th of April
Zodiac Sign: Butterfly - Balanced

Personal history: 

Romantic, smart and cunning. She can occasionally be manipulative to get what she wants. Well-mannered and social. Perhaps a bit spoiled.

More info: Nadine originates from Heart C, and currently lives there on her own. She was was born to a rather wealthy family and has always lived in a rather large house with gorgeous furniture and such. She has even attended some of the Royal Balls that have been held there. She often goes visiting heart A, where she has a small house to live in. Her heritage can also show from her personality a bit. She loves horror stories and is also fascinated about the occult. She has often held Halloween parties and murder mystery nights at her house. Wants to become a writer, her favourite genres being horror, mystery and romance. Also enjoys archaeology and likes to watch documentaries of it. This also shows from her like of stones and jewelry. Nadine is quite into romance and very much enjoys candle-lit dinners, walks under the moonlight, romantic movies and rose petals covering the bed sheets. She likes to dress somewhat feminine. She enjoys dresses and skirts and hardly ever wears long pants. You could describe her clothing style as "Tumblr". Enjoys spending time with friends by sitting down and drinking tea or something. Not very into the wild party life of heart A, though does enjoy a few drinks with friends occasionally. Goes hunting regularly, she quite enjoys the thrill of it. Has worked as a model in the past and even appeared in magazines and TV on make-up and shampoo commercials.

Theme song: 


  • Romantic candle-lit dinners and walks on the beach under moonlight
  • Tea
  • Hunting
  • Being pampered
  • Gems/pretty rocks
  • Books and horror stories


  •  Drugs
  • Cleaning
  • When things do not go her way
  • Bugs
