


5 years, 2 months ago


Amethyst Nolan

Gender Female
Pronouns They / She
Species Cat (Harlequin/Tabby)
Age 21
Height 5'2"
Weight 140lbs
Sexuality Bisexual



- Physical Appearance -

* Eye Color: Purple

* Fur Color: Tanish Brown, White and Dark brown markings

* Distinguishing marks: White ears, tail tip, and patches on right shoulder and left arm, as well on the right leg, and a patch on her back. Brown ear tips, fur markings under the eyes, freckles above nose, and spots on white patches; as well as the end of her paws are the same brown as the spots.

* Predominant features: Scar on chest and left eye

* Hair color: Brown with purple bangs

* Hairstyle: Side Swept to the left

* Voice: small, soft and gentle

* Usual fashion of dress: Sweatshirt and blue jeans

* Jewelry or accessories: White heart necklace

- Personality -

* Good personality traits:

Honest, Innocent, Loyal, Protective, Supportive

* Bad personality traits:

Cautious, Empathetic, Introverted

* Character’s greatest fear: Becoming her father or worse. | Why?: Because her father is responsible for her mothers death and her brother's downfall, as well as he despises her with every fiber of his being to the point he tried to kill her.

* What single event most throws this character’s life into complete turmoil?: Her mother’s and father’s deaths

* Priorities: Family and Friends

* If granted one wish, it would be: to bring her mom back. | Why?: Her mother loved her with everything she had while the person she believed to be her father wouldn’t even look at her

* Greatest strength: Her will power and strength to keep on living

* Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Her scars or mentioning her father

- Past -

* Hometown: Brimwoo

* Type of childhood: Traumatic

* First memory: Mother singing to her

* Most important childhood memory: Father trying to kill her | Why?: Technically Amethyst isn’t his biological daughter

Short Back Story: Coming Soon!

- Family -

* Mother: Megumi Nolan

* Relationship with her: Positive

* Father: Joss Nolan

* Relationship with him: Negative

* Siblings: Damien Nolan (Brother)

* Relationship with them: Postive/Negative

* Signifigant Other: Ashen Casture

* Relationship with them: Positive

* Children: None

* Relationship with them: None

- Self-Perception -

* How he/she feels about himself/herself: She feels most times as if she’s useless and a burden due to her father

* One paragraph description of how the character would describe herself: Amethyst would describe herself as someone who can be happy, relaxed and enthusiastic around those she cares and trusts but in most cases she’s terrified and stressed, which causes her depression and anxiety to spiral out of control. Leading to her most traumatic downfall.

* What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Honesty

* What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Empathetic

* How does the character think others perceive him/her: small and unable to do things for herself

* What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Her trust issues involing family and the lack of courage to stand up to her "father"

- Relationships With Others -

* Opinion of other people in general: Likes people but would rather be around those she knows

* Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Yes

* Person/Character most hates: Herself

* Best friend(s): Damien, Levi, Hazel

* Love interest(s): Ashen

* Person character goes to for advice: Levi

* Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Hazel (childish and carefree friend)

* Person character openly admires: Damien

* Person character secretly admires: Levi

* Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Mother

* After story starts: Brother and Friends