Fursona Pea



5 years, 3 months ago



name: [REDACTED]

alias.: Pea


gender: Female

orientation: Gray-Ace


species: Feline

breed: Domestic Cat: Siamese

blood type: A-

main hand: Left

occupation: Cryptozoologist/witch

eye color: Yellow-y/Brown

hair color: Brown

hairstyle: Bun

body type: Endomorph

distinguishing features: Glasses and ear piercing

How do you know you are a Witch? Well, that's the one thing Pea has set out to discover.

Since being a child, Pea's fascination with the occult and magic grew. Fairies and Dragons have never seemed more real to her, now she knew in her older age that fairy tales might not be telling lies. She has that relationship to the earth that a lot of witches have, she doesn't know how to really use it. Had she known how to start using magic, she wouldn't be studying. Wanting to discover what she could. Why she can feel the earth speaking to her through her bare feet? How can she sense things in other beings, others who are shrouded in mystery, Pea feels as if she knows what their true intentions are. Restless nights while listening to music help her feel more attuned to the world and she feels a connection to something that has been around for millions of years. The pale moon getting stronger and stronger day by day, it winks up in the night sky, a close friend she'd like to call it, always feeling like it's there for her, powering her magic. With her partner Icefire, Pea travels the country in search of answers behind the unexplained..

memory: Bad

energy: Average

senses: Good

allergies: no yes
Cillin antibiotics

phobia: no yes

religion: Wicca

morals: TBN

priority: Making people smile and have some fun! She wants to always make sure her husband Icefire is feeling better when things get bad. She adores him and she wants him happy.

philosophy: Everyone has some part of magic inside of them

partner: Icefire: Husband

marital status: Married

proposal: One night on a hunt due to a Sasquatch sighting near Niagara Falls, they broke into the park after hours. When at the top of the falls, Icefire proposed to Pea under the moonlight.

how they met: High School

love language: Talking, love letters

Pea is a very loving person. When first meeting her, she's very quiet, but when she's comfortable around you she'll be loud and fun. She has some internet friends she talks to on occasion and they share a common love of art but she's not as well known by the internet like Icefire is. She and Icefire both post together on their cryptozoology blog on a shared account about their hunts, encounters, and funny experiences.

reputation: Mixed. Shunned by scientific community, but admired by the crypozoology community. Is really caring so she gets into fights for her friends

first impressions: Weird but tough

style: Cute and mixed (cottage core, witchy, overalls)

posture: Just ok

habits and mannerisms: Wiggling/fidgeting

wardrobe: Overalls, striped tee, boots

accessories: Glasses, scrunchy, ear piercings, a side bag

trinkets: Herb satchel, protection charm, lip balm, animal bones/teeth

home: Lives in spacious mini-RV mobile command center

most important item: Ipad: $500.00

transportation: Mini-RV




dark water

road trips

loud sudden noises



