Kathleen Ambers



5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Kathleen Ambers
Name meaning: Pure, Clear

Age: 16

Ethnicity: American

Height: 5'2 ft (157 cm)

Birthday: October 10
Zodiac Sign: Libra

Languages: English, Spanish

Personality: Kathleen is a major tsundere, and can be extremely rude, but she strongly cares for those she loves. She just doesn't like to show it. Kathleen has absolutely no filter, and will say whatever crosses her mind, not really caring about how her words could affect others. She likes getting into physical fights in order to release stress or tension, and despite how she looks, she's very strong. She's insanely negative, and often comes off as upset or pissed, and has a very bad resting bitch face. She dislikes socializing or being in places with lots of people, as it makes her uneasy. She also excels with her academics, despite the fact that she doesn't put a lot of effort into her work.

Likes: fighting, studying, drawing, cats, other small animals, being alone, her mother
Dislikes: socializing, her father, being vulnerable, expressing her emotions or things she wants

Extra Facts:
- Kathleen lives alone with her mother.
- Her father left the family when she was little, and she has absolutely no idea why, leading her to hate him. However, her mother still praises the man and talks about him as if he did nothing wrong.
- After witnessing how her father leaving tore up her mother, she has grown up extremely cautious around guys, and wants absolutely nothing to do with romance.
- She's childhood friends with Alexander, and he is her best friend.
- Her mother works three jobs, and Kathleen finds herself home alone most of the time.
- She goes to a high class fancy school on scholarship due to her grades.
- She dyes her hair, but her natural hair color is dark brown, which is the same color as her fathers.
- She gets her red eye from her mother, and her green eye is from her father.
- She gets hot easily, so she tends to not wear many layers.
- She hates it when people think she's a kid, and treat her like one
- She has slight claustrophobia, and it acts up mostly when she's in a crowded area
- Her favorite food is french fries
- In her freshman year of high school, she took in a stray brown tabby cay she found and named him Tiger.
- Her favorite color is pink