[ BE ] Kasuga Suzukaze



5 years, 2 months ago


*listens to core pride for five hours straight* 

  • 16 years old and 5'6" or so, given how tall her heels are or if she's not wearing any
  • Meister in Aria and possibly Knight but idk yet fam
  • fights with ring blades or chakrams if you wanna be fancy bc let's be real, her throat gets sore from reciting scriptures and verses
  • she's pretty proficient in fighting with chakrams but doesn't seem to take notice of her skills much
  • paired with Yukio bc I love that boy so much lord help me
  • her favorite animal is the blue-footed booby
  • she loves hairbands and has a large collection of them, but usually sticks to wearing one in particular which is white with pink stripes
  • often defuses situations with humor but overall a level-headed young woman who can act a bit like royalty
  • and by royalty I mean just physical attributes (i.e: sitting up straight, keeping her hands on her lap, etc.)
  • always punctual and somewhat hesitant on taking action if it risks putting either her or someone else in danger
  • she's kind-hearted and gentle, going out of her way to help people and putting her skills to good use
  • she gets help from her sister to make Valentine's Day chocolate for Yukio since she's inept at doing it herself
  • wears minimal to none makeup wise as well as jewelry, although she has a pair of pearl earrings and matching bracelet