Mikkel Tulvuk



5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




¤ Full Name ¤

Mikkel Tulvuk

¤ Age ¤

9 sweeps

¤ Gender ¤


¤ Blood Color ¤


¤ Derse/Prospit ¤


¤ Classpect ¤

Rogue of Time

¤ Land ¤

Land of Tides and Flame

Maritime in nature; plentiful seaside villages that work on the tides. The denizen extinguished the flame in the lighthouses, so they're no longer orderly and functioning. Mikkel’s quest is to bring something back to the land, he’s trying to eventually defeat the denizen to restore the lighthouses and allow the land to function as it used to.

¤ Symbol ¤

Sagirist, Sign of the Rebel

¤ Chumhandle ¤


¤ Text Quirk ¤

  1. You speak in a nice, orderly manner, with proper grammar and syntax.
  2. It keeps your thoughts organized, as well as your words.
    1. (Sometimes, you do forget to add things on, or would like to make an addendum.)
  3. However, it still gives you pleasure to keep it neat.

¤ Fetch Modus ¤

Binary Modus

Any item is converted to binary coding, and stored in a near limitless modus. There are 2 root cards (1 & 0), each of which holds 2 more root cards (1 & 0), which each hold 2 more root cards (1 & 0), this continues ad infinitum until there is a level where all the numbers leading up to it correspond to the name of an item, in which said item is stored. The Modus must be navigated manually, though you can also search for item numbers, if you remember them. However, due to the capabilities of the modus, only one item can be stored in any given level. If another item with the same code is input, the system with crash and all items will fall out.

¤ Strife Specibus ¤


¤ Weapon ¤

A working replica of a Galaxy Exploration phaser, with three settings; stun, dematerialize, and kill.

¤ Hive ¤

He lives in a large home - not quite a mansion, but still large. It’s very neat and tidy, and he keeps it ready for guests at all times. (Add more later)

¤ Lusus ¤


A bit bossy, but means well. “Dad can I go out” “Clean your room first”

¤ Hair Color ¤


¤ Hair Length/Style ¤

Curly and poofy

¤ Height ¤

6’ w/o horns

¤ Weight ¤


¤ Relationships ¤

◇ Galekh Xigisi

♤ Marvus Xoloto

♡ Eilion Coalyn

♧ Konyyl & Skylla

¤ Personality and Appearance ¤

Dresses well to do; suit and tie (usually patterned ties, space themed), and has a full length trench coat that he wears out. Casually, he just wears a button down shirt with the top button undone and his tie loosened, and his dress pants. Wears bifocals. He tends to be very neat, almost to a fault, and likes to have things organized. Messes make him anxious. When he visits friend’s hives, he will spend time absentmindedly cleaning their rooms while talking. He can occasionally be passive aggressive, and will quickly defend himself. However, he means well most of the time. When he’s calling friends, whether it’s on video or voice, he’ll probably be shining his shoes. He works in one of the bookhives as the head librarian, and oversees the others working there as well. He spends a lot of his free time reading and doodling, and tries to dabble in anything he finds interesting. Most notably, he dabbles in alchemy regarding troll blood. He also enjoys watching the popular series Galaxy Exploration, and has a fascination with space.