


5 years, 1 month ago



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Name Cassia
  • Age 21
  • Height 5'6"
  • Occupation Entrepreneur
  • Sexuality Bisexual
  • Personality

    Cassia has an incredibly hard, built up shell. She's seen enough shit in her life to not trust people. At first she comes off pretty nasty and even rude. However once you get through her walls and gain her trust, Cassia is incredibly passionate. She will protect those she loves feircly and do everything in her power to make sure they are safe. Years on the streets have taught her fair judgement and not have sympathy on those that have less than her. Cassia has a heart of gold, even if she doesn't admit it.

  • Appearance

    Cassia is a pale skinned woman with lavender colored hair. She is usually seen wearing casual clothing, in a gothic style with blacks and graphic icons and fishnet leggings. She has previously been known to have cheek peircings, but has let the holes heal shut recently. It's rare to see her out in public without makeup, that consists of dark eyeshadow, eyeliner and deep burgandy lipstick.

  • Likes Video games, makeup, oraginzing, wine
  • Dislikes list of dislikes
  • Backstory

    Cassia grew up on the streets from a young age with her sister Leihlanni. With the passing of their mother, she had to learn how to fend for herself and protect her sister along the way. She quickly picked up on negitive habits to get by, including theivery. But as she grew older, she recieved the eyes of men, and learned how to use her body to get what she wants. This has gotten her in a handful of trouble as well, ending up in fights and squables.

    A few years later the sisters were met with the good graces of Atticus, and were invited to live with him in his mansion. It was a very strange adjustment, but Casia learned better ways to make a new for herself and is working towards helping other build up their bussinesses.

  • Atticus Boyfriend

    "I'll never understand how a girl like me from the streets could ever deserve a man like you. We both have our flaws, but together we are overcoming them to be better people. I love who I've become since I've know you, and can't wait to grow together in the future. Thank you for everything."

  • Leihlanni Sister

    "We might fight a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that I love you. We have always had each other's backs and that will never change Lanni."

  • Name Relationship

    Aliquam sit amet tortor a nulla luctus lobortis. Praesent mollis in velit ut lacinia. In consequat leo elementum tortor gravida cursus. Aliquam semper facilisis volutpat. Praesent maximus metus ut lorem fermentum pharetra. Donec varius semper sapien, vel ornare dolor lobortis non.

  • Question

    Nullam convallis semper elit, quis tempus lectus dignissim tincidunt. Aliquam facilisis pellentesque nibh. Nullam sed porttitor tellus. Fusce dictum nulla ut enim euismod, eget pellentesque metus egestas. Nam eget massa a massa hendrerit condimentum eu sit amet ex. In convallis, odio ac mollis tempor, nunc dui efficitur libero, ac aliquam orci sem eu magna.

  • Question

    Integer eu rutrum tellus. Nulla facilisis neque eu massa rutrum, nec consectetur arcu bibendum. Nullam feugiat libero eu massa commodo volutpat.

  • Question

    Aenean vulputate efficitur lacus, at feugiat orci sodales porta. Donec vulputate accumsan orci, at tempor ante mollis vitae. Vivamus accumsan dapibus sodales. Aenean dignissim turpis eget risus eleifend, et congue arcu mattis.

  • Question

    Etiam auctor nibh semper nunc aliquam, et facilisis felis sodales. Proin vel volutpat augue. Donec suscipit mollis gravida. Sed vel lectus a justo sodales posuere.

  • Trivia
    • ● Sed ac ligula consectetur, feugiat mi ac, eleifend nisl. Nam scelerisque convallis euismod. Nam tincidunt risus eget blandit luctus.
    • ● Etiam consequat viverra ex, ut hendrerit dolor auctor in. Integer feugiat feugiat molestie.
    • ● Nullam mollis pharetra ipsum nec ultricies.
    • ● Maecenas aliquet porttitor vehicula. Donec tristique porta arcu nec cursus.
    • ● Ut malesuada lectus laoreet lorem pulvinar, in suscipit erat lacinia.
    • ● Nunc et ultrices orci, id hendrerit massa. In mattis interdum augue, vel scelerisque elit venenatis sed.

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