agent B-42720 (02. relationships)



 ▶ r e l a t i o n s h i p s 

lumi nati - her subject and friend?

agent B-42720 originally saw lumi as only her subject but she slowly found lumi more and more charming because she actually treated her like a person rather than a tool. she is unfazed by lumi’s shenanigans because of all the things she’s seen. agent B-42720 is very confused as to how she feels about lumi and the job she has to do with her versus what she wants to do.


Dr. s -  her colleague and friend?

Dr. s has met agent b on assignments multiple times as they are both commonly assigned to higher risk subjects. Including a situation where agent b saved his life. She thinks he gets too emotional and too attached to subjects. She finds his attachment to her and dislike of her not referring to herself as human as very odd.


Dr. X -  her colleague, sparring partner, and friend?

Dr. x likes testing her prototypes by sparing originally with another doctor on her team until she was recommended to try to spar with an agent for more of a challenge. She brought it up to dr. s who introduced her to agent b. They spar regularly and both enjoy it. They have a friendly rivalry and both help the other improve. Agent B genuinely enjoys the challenge of sparring with dr. x.