Lucielle Pierson



5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Lucielle Pierson
Nickname: Lucy
Name meaning: Light

Age: 16

Ethnicity: French-Italian

Height: 5’4 ft (163 cm)

Birthday: January 18
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Languages: English, French, Italian

Personality: Lucielle is very polite, well mannered, and calm. Her manners are absolutely first class, and she is never rude or mean to anyone. She always thinks before she speaks, and she is far too nice for her own good. She deeply cares for her friends, or people she assumes to be her friends, and would try to do anything for them. Although academically brilliant, she's quite dense socially, as she's very ignorant and easy for people to take advantage of. But she's very cheerful, and extremely willing to help others, so as long as she can make others happy, she herself is happy.

Likes: music, dresses, ribbons, dancing, people, rabbits, going outside, tea, studying, school
Dislikes: fighting, things that aren't cute, being alone, sports, mean people

Extra Facts:
- She lives with her mother, father, and younger brother Landon.
- Her mother is French while her father is Italian.
- She grew up wealthy, and has a large high class standing as her background.
- She suffers from an unknown illness that she and her brother got from their mother, so Lucielle is prone so occasionally getting sick.
- Her body is quite weak, and she cannot be physically active for too long or else she will run a risk of passing out.
- Due to business related reasons, she and Aiden are engaged to be married after graduation, however neither of them are too fond of the condition and don't plan on following through.
- However, due to the fact that she grew up with this engagement, she is very fond of Aiden and likes him, but the thought of marrying him freaks her out, despite her small crush.
- She's extremely curious, and without meaning too, tends to stick her nose in peoples business.
- Her academic grades are extremely high, and she considered somewhat of a genius.
- Her favorite animals are rabbits
- Her favorite color is blue