Cedwyn πŸ‘‘



5 years, 2 months ago



Original profile written by doekis.
Cedwyn, ( or King Cedwyn, if you want him to be your BFF ) is an Ameiun with an ego as big as his stomach. He's not really a king, or any kind of royalty, but he thinks he should be. Sigh.

The only thing this guy puts before himself is his food. This guy can EAT. Despite his ravenous appetite, Cedwyn always minds his etiquette. You'll never see him with food stuck in his fur or a stain on his silky, flowing, one of a kind, red velour gown.

Cedwyn, being an Ameiun, can grow his element on his fur. His element being daffodils, these brilliant yellow flowers bloom usually on his tail, but have also bloomed near his shoulders and neck.

Even though he's a snob, Ced doesn't go out of his way to be rude to anyone. He acts high strung, but he doesn't put others down. He just has an extremely high opinion of himself. He comes across as selfish, but he actually really likes giving gifts and telling jokes, especially silly ones. Β What's brown and sticky...

He takes huge pride in his appearance; keeping his fluffy 'mane' and hair brushed and fresh at all times. He keeps his nails trimmed and clean. When his flowers bloom, he takes care not to damage them until they disappear. His long fluffy tail is his prized possession, and he uses it to keep warm on cold nights.

Along with his gown he also wears a small crown. Purely costume of course, but don't say that around him... It sits perfectly either on the top of his head, or placed slightly to the side, with a small clip. You'll rarely see Cedwyn without his royal attire, but despite that he keeps his brown coat trimmed and shiny.

Cedwyn fancies himself quite a handsome Ameiun, maybe even the most handsome. He goes out of his way to flutter his long white eyelashes in the sun, which illuminates the brilliant gold specks in his olive green eyes, framed by a sharp black cat eye. Wow, it's almost like he wrote that himself. He also has quite a nice toothy smile, with large canines despite being herbivorous.

Cedwyn actually has a very positive outlook on life, and that's why he sees the beauty in everything. Especially himself. But there's nothing wrong with that. After all, he's not rude or mean-spirited. He knows his worth, and is always helping others to know theirs.