


5 years, 2 months ago


Kit-Name: Shadowkit

Apprentice-Name: Shadowpaw

Warrior-Name: Scarface

Age: 16 moons

Gender: Male

Clan: RiverClan

Bloodline: 50% RiverClan; 50% ShadowClan


- Mother: Eagleeye (

- Father: Oakwing (

- Siblings: Pebblepaw (

 Fishkit (


- Grandmother: Minnowtuft (

- Uncle: Wolfclaw (

- Aunt: Ravenbelly (

- Cousin: Cinderpaw (


- (former) Mentor: Rabbitlight (


Scarface is a brave and loyal cat, who would protect his Clan and family with his life if he had to. He is proud of his scars, because they show everyone that he would give everything to defend their Clan. Though since the dog attack where he lost his sister he has developed a fear of dogs. His first reaction to solve a problem with another Clan would be a fight, but he slowly learns that no every problem can be solved with a fight. Though even if he seems to be rough and get easily annoyed from cats of other Clans, loners of kittypets, he actually is a kind and caring cat. His father had thought him early on to hate the live of those outside the Clans, which lets him react hostile to these. His mother often tries to reduce this hate of his, but has most of the time no real success.


His father Oakwing was born in ShadowClan, but after a horrible cat named Redstar became the leader of ShadowClan Oakwing saw no other option then leaving his Clan. He hates the live of cats outside the Clans, which is why he tried to be taken in by another Clan. His first way brought him to ThunderClan, though he was chased away from them. Next he tried it with RiverClan and had luck that he was taken in. The beginning in the Clan was hard for his father, since many didn't trust him because of his former Clan. Though Eagleeye started to befriend him and they soon got to be mates. 

Shadowkit was then born together with Pebblekit and Fishkit in Leaffall. The Leafbare which followed was a really strong one, where many cats had caught Greencough, including his brother Fishkit who died of the illness. Shadowkit and Pebblekit though survived the Leafbare and could live the rest of their kithood in peace, playing with each other and their parents often.

Soon came the time for them to be apprentices. Shadowpaw got the skilled fighter Rabbitlight as his mentor, while Pebblepaw got Buzzardtalon as her mentor, the deputy for the Clan and best friend of their father. It got clear early on that their skills compensated each other. While Shadowpaw got to be a good fighter, his sister got a really skilled hunter and each of them where terrible at the thing their sibling was really good at. Though instead of being jealous of each other they encouraged and helped their sibling to get better and bonded over their apprenticeship even more. They soon were inseparable.

The day of their warrior assessment went really good at first. Even Shadowpaw had gotten some nice catches while hunting, though as they were returning back to camp, their mouths full with prey, they heard barking and hissing from the camps direction. They let the prey fall to the ground immediately and ran the rest of the way. When they arrived they saw a dog pack consisting of three dogs attacking their Clan mates and destroying their camp. The four cats joined the battle and Shadowpaw soon lost them out of his eye sight. When he had a little break in the battle he looked around the camp, trying to locate either his sister or his parents. He soon found Pebblepaw lying severely wounded in front of one of the dogs. Shadowpaw reacted immediately and ran between the dog and his sister, hissing at the dog and soon started to attack him. He knew he needed to defend his sister and since his Clan mates were already occupied with defending their kits, elders and medicine cat, he needed to do it alone. The fight was hard and he gained several wounds from it. He had to close one of his eyes since the only thing he could see through it was the blood that was running down his face. At the end though he got a hold of the dogs throat and was able to kill it. This time there wasn't time for a break though since he had to check on his sister. When he arrived at her body though, he had to learn that it was to late, his sister was already dead.

With his sister died another cat and their leader Cedarstar had lost one of her lives. He had to stay in the medicine den after that for a long time and was only allowed outside for his sisters vigil. The moment he was released from the medicine den Cedarstar gave him his warrior name. After a request from Shadowpaw himself, he was named Scarface. When his Clan mates were shouting his name and congratulated him, he was sure that he had heard Pebblepaws voice in his ear saying "Congratulations brother, I'm so proud of you".

Since then he had gotten one of the best fighters in RiverClan and nearly never loses a fight.

Extra information: 

Because of his strong bond to his sister, he is able to hear her voice and see her, if Pebblepaw wants to be heard or seen.

List of the cats in this universe: