Kingston (and Dayne)



5 years, 3 months ago


Name: Kingston (and Dayne) 

Species: Red Deer

Gender: Male

King and Dayne were in a battle for a doe when they became entangled. King eventually overpowered Dayne, but this was a huge mistake. The pair tumbled down a cliff, Dayne was killed and his neck was snapped and torn. King, in his struggle to free himself, managed to rip Dayne's head clean off!! During the fight, their antlers became absolutely locked together, leaving King with a decomposing head attached to his own and eventually a skull. This drove King slightly mad and he still talks to Dayne like he's alive. Kingston hoped that Dayne would leave him when he shed his antlers, however, the accident caused Kings skull to fracture in such a way that the bone grew over and it'll mean he'll never shed again.