Tai Jin Lee



8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info










Gang member


Tai grew up with his twin Mai in the slums. Life for them at a young age was harsh; having only their mother who sales her own body to not only pay bills, but to bring food to the table. Tai not only made sure both his sister and mother was ok, but he did whatever he could to help with the house. At the age of 16, he started selling LSD, never once using them on himself after observing others. 


At the age of 18 and being able to pass highschool with his sister; his mother was diagnosed with cancer, and once more, he had to work his ass off to help with the house. His sister deciding to take her own mother's place to help with the bills as well, not ever letting her mother know how food was brought home. It was long until Tai was presented with another "job"...this time dealing with gangs. Having worked for the gangs leader who used to rule over the tiger gang; Tai was in charge of intel. It was all well...until his sister was involved. The leader didn't care if Mai was Tai's sister...he wanted entertainment, and if anyone had a say, they would pay for it dearly!


Day after day, the either twin was punished; Tai for trying to protect his sister, and Mai for not learning her place. And it only turned out worse when the leader found out where they lived and that they had a sick mother. They were trapped.


When Bryce came in, and took over after killing the gang leader; they were given a choice of freedom. Seeing that they owed Bryce for helping them out; they decided to stay and help out. Although they were forturnate; they're mother wasn't. She passed away, leaving her children to take care of themselves.


After her passing, Tai is still with the gang, along with his twin sister Mai. Though Bryce is still giving him and his sister the option for freedom, they have yet to take it.