Tsaki's Comments

anyone on my th but Raiden,Thunder and Calamity? I also got these bbys https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1-AuSkIaTWnyTcycvdfexm1N0DfPoRrHY https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1KxUgC1HS3lzD_EBhTmNNVnhh50deOtD2 here are two for offers ^^ lmk if you like one <3 if you don't see anyone please let me know ^^

i really like tohru!! i'd be willing to trade if you know all of the artists/links to them so that i could credit ^^

I'll think about it then lyk

Hello, if you are accepting trades I have some for trade and like trading multiples if you are interested. Thank you for looking if you do. :)

I haven't found anyone besides your mains, sorry qwq

Just wondering which in my mains did you see?

Dia and Sage qwq

Oh I see the only one I would trade is probably sage. :( but they only have one piece of art.