


5 years, 2 months ago

Profile, a long time ago, he was part of the security system, he guarded the exit from the building and made sure that people didn’t steal anything and break it. And even more so that they did not try to harm employees or equipment.
When he was removed from service and tried to deactivate, he escaped.
He huddles in the lower levels of the building and never rises to the surface.
His mind is damaged, and if someone gets down to him, then he immediately tries to hold them and not to let them up. From him, however, easily beat off, but he can still hurt you.

  • He has no eyes, but he can connect to tracking cameras. In addition, he has good hearing and echolocation.
  • Black parts feel like liquid. They used to be wires, now it's ... hmmm
  • His movements are very smooth and graceful, but at some points he can still start to glitch and twitch. Most often it concerns the mask.
  • Before, there were more metal parts. Now most of them have flown.
  • Often his body is inscribed with strange inscriptions and drawings, but it is not known whether he does it himself or whether it is someone else.