Nyozeka Seno



5 years, 2 months ago


Midori Bani "Gurīnrabitto"

BTS (and J Pop in general)
Being a hero!
Bad guys
Cuss words!
Cats and big dogs

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sodales orci in augue efficitur vehicula. Maecenas vitae pretium massa. Nullam eros erat, tristique id turpis in, luctus tempus nunc. Praesent volutpat, lectus id volutpat viverra, arcu ex fringilla nisi, vel feugiat nulla orci vel elit. Quisque sit amet scelerisque lorem. Phasellus pulvinar nulla a tellus rutrum viverra.

Nunc ac accumsan nisi. Vestibulum viverra feugiat diam vel rhoncus. Quisque quam elit, sollicitudin ac turpis et, imperdiet imperdiet sapien. Nulla feugiat dui erat, ac eleifend turpis scelerisque a. Etiam id lacus lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tempor massa at mi laoreet condimentum. Cras molestie ipsum a quam pharetra pharetra. Nulla ut sapien porttitor, maximus tortor et, vulputate dui. Suspendisse sodales nisl at vehicula malesuada. Cras vel libero pharetra, volutpat lectus vel, rhoncus enim. Phasellus eget lectus interdum, ornare 

lorem vitae, commodo libero. Aenean dapibus eros quis lacus hendrerit efficitur. Aenean lobortis scelerisque nisl, in rutrum diam maximus eu. In a placerat turpis, in condimentum odio. Cras id risus nisl.

Quirk: He has the abilities of a bunny! He has 100 million scent cells making his sniffer one powerful asset to pick up unwanted smells and villains, he has a keen sense of hearing - with double the hearing of a rabbit and human having both rabbit ears and human ears. He can hop very high as well - five times as high as most his size.

Appearance: Midori has shoulder length mint-green hair that is always messy with different length bangs - the longest passed his eyes and shortest no where near his mint-green eye brows. He has pale pink eyes that appear a light lavender in some lighting, he has pale skin and always has a bright smile on his face; he had buck teeth like a rabbit as a child but braces helped correct that. He is commonly mistaken for a little girl.

He's very small standing at 132.07 cm and weighing 36 kg, making it easy for him to dodge enemies and be unheard (and unseen) when he is fighting crime. He can typically be found in his hero costume - a pale yellow turtle neck crop top with no sleeves, elbow high white gloves with pink trim that match his stockings and pink flats. He wears yellow capri pants with a pink belt with a darker yellow belt buckle. Midori already graduated from UA, so he never wears the uniform! He loves wearing bright colored clothing that make him look like a J-Pop star.

Personality: wip

Birthday: March 22nd

Voice: Maxey Whitehead

Bedroom: here.



worth: $10

HTML by Jayden