Aiden Sky



5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Aiden Sky
Name meaning: Fire

Age: 16

Ethnicity: Japanese-American

Height: 6'1 ft (185 cm)

Birthday: September 14
Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Languages: English, Japanese

Personality: Aiden is very cool and laid back, and he has outstanding manners. To those he's closer too, he's honest and a huge dork.  He dislikes leaving his feelings or thoughts unsaid, so he'll try his best to be open about what comes across his mind. He can sometimes be extremely clumsy, and he easily laughs over silly things. He's very kind, and when he wants something, he gets determined. He's stubborn too, and doesn't like to give up easily. He's also very protective over his friends, and generally a positive person.

Likes: tea, art, helping people, studying, animals, reading, playing the piano.
Dislikes: fighting, greedy people, staying in one place for too long

Extra Facts:
- Aiden lives with his mother, father, and younger brother Akito.
- His father is american, while his mother is japanese.
- Aiden looks more like his father, while his brother takes after his mother. He does, however, have his mothers eyes.
- His family is extremely wealthy, and owns a chain of large businesses.
- Due to business related reasons, he and Lucielle have been engaged to marry after graduation. However, Aiden only sees Lucielle as a friend and has no desire to go through with it.
- Aiden fell in love with Kathleen in their freshman year, but he has always been terrified of approaching her due to the fact that she's always seen with Alexander.
- He's not very good at holding his own in a fight, and doesn't know how to properly defend himself.
- He doesn't like to slick his hair back, but will for parties or if his parents make him.
- He loves to play music, and is a decent singer.
- He really likes eating sushi or katsudon
- His favorite color is yellow