


5 years, 1 month ago


Undead dog | 19 | Male


Theme: House of Memories - P!ATD


King is a small but powerful dog. He is sarcastic, caring, short-tempered, and easily confused. He is often seen being by himself both in a public setting and in his own home, he loves to sing and loves video games. As of late, he has been a shut in due to anxiety and depression. He has a deep self harm scar underneath his tattoo on his wrist which can be seen in both his anthro and feral form. He basically becomes mute when meeting new people and would often bow his head submissivly despite how kind the person is.


Like his female counterpart, he was abused as a child to early late teens by his father and sister. He was found dead, killed by being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Later was brought back to life due to an unknown force, which lead him to becoming known as the reaping dog by the news and social media. After trying to search for the force that brought him back, he gave up and went straight to his mother's home which she was in shock, in tears to see her son back. Knowing that his sister has gone to foster care he moved in and became normal again. It was like he was never dead, he ages, he needs basic human needs, and most definitly needs medicine whenever he was sick. Most, if not all, thought it was extremely strange but were happy knowing that he was basically back once more. Now, he lives on being known as the reaping dog and being home schooled.


Pepsi, minor key music, singing, being alone, bloody video games, napping, BBQ chips, snow, and being alive


Thunderstorms, loud noises, bugs, getting woken up, spicy food, bigots, and not being able to fly

HTML Profile by Coywolfy