


8 years, 4 months ago


  • Name: Ayumu
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 16
  • Species: Human (...at the moment! XD )
  • Occupation: Student
  • Personality: very flamboyant and straighforward, flirty, teaser, cheerful all time, can be possessive, 1 to 5% Yandere~ >w>
  • Likes: Punk and Cool Things, Dark to Semi Dark Colors
  • Role: Akira's best friend and classmate, Ginko's Rival
  • Note: He has the tendency of squinting his eyes sometimes, so he can either have them open like squinting

Ayumu is the typical rich kid of any normal school with very stylish clothes and just calling for attention. But he's mostly seen cheerful and condifent, never breaking his smile and his squint eyes. He quickly befriends Akira the first day of school, Akira's clothing style catching his eye and liking his style and ways of how the other was, not being partically normal kind of guy Ayumu always sees. Despite that this two are clearly opposite poles and very different personalities and worlds, they get along just fine and become close friends.

Ayumu can be indeed possessive with what belongs to him, acting this away towards anybody that's gets a bit too close for comfort to Akira. He's intentions are good, wanting to protect his dear friend from any sort of harm, reason why Akira doesnt actually mind it or notice it sometimes but can be scary the way he scares people off. 'Cause of his possessiveness he seesĀ Ginko as a rival and tries his best to keep him out of sight, being a demon and all, he understands no good comes from a demon like him.

In a different AU he actually dates Akira, no yandere here XD . And Ginko being the one getting in the way of their relantioship to keep Akira for himself.