
5 years, 6 months ago


《 Basics 》

× Lucien Laski ×

a.k.a. Red | Luc

 Male (he/him) | 19 | 172 cm | Human | Colour Guardian

fierce | passionate | optimist | creative | romantic |

× seek what sets your soul on fire ×


× History:

× As a child, Lucien was an impulsive and even bratty kid, very loud mouthed. This is mostly thanks to his mother neglecting him after her divorce, mostly paying attention to her new husband and step-daughter, Athena. He wished to belong in the new family, but did not feel like he ever fit in. Not knowing how to deal with these emotions, he often bullied Athena.

× When he was 13, not only did his appearence change but he also gained to ability to control fire, thanks to the Queen of Light chosing him as a Colour Guardian.

× Although at first he enjoyed his new power, it soon got out of hand as after one heated argument, he injured both himself and Athena. To his biggest surprise, his mother defended him and eventually Athena and her father forgave him as well.

× After these events, he was desperate to repress his impulses and decided to instead project them unto art. He got quieter and calmer, feeling somewhat better after pouring his heart into his hobby, and was on a path to becoming a better, kinder person with the help of Athena.

× Personality:

× Lucien is a fiery soul with a passion for life, a big heart, and so much love to share, having learned from his past. He's a keen artist, and although his main expertise is painting, he'll dabble in all sorts of art: music, poetry, acting, movies, photography, having a Tumblr.

× At first, he seems intense and maybe even scary, but he will gladly make new friends and will try to help them as much as he can to achieve their dreams. He's not your typical, snobby, stuck-up artist: he's incredibly empathic and is willing to go to big distances to understand everyone. Although empathic, he has a clear opinion on every matter and will never tolerate injustice.

× Due to events in his past, he has quite some guilt and trauma to work out, so art is a great conduct for him. He's quite open about his past but deep down, insecurities dwindle him down quite a lot and is pretty conflicted inside... He can't accept and is afraid of his own powers, wishing he never got them in the first place.

× A born romantic, he dreams of finding someone that will love and cherish them and one who he can shower in his affection.

× Likes: 

  • cooking
  • binge-watching shows
  • locking himself in his room and making art
  • mess
  • sunsets and big, dramatic clouds
  • roses

× Dislikes: 

  • fire
  • grey skies
  • cleaning

× Relationships:



■ Abilities:

× fire manipulation: Can conjure and manipulate flames of size from small to huge. Due to traumatic memories stemming from this power, he prefers to not use it altogether.

■ Fun facts:

▪ soon...