Fursona|Snowbein (Charlo)



Basic info

Name: Charlo

Age: 22/(acts like 18)

Pronouns: They/them/He/Him

Species/Race: Dog/Labrador

Height: 100cm or 160cm

Nationality: Chilean


MESSY - Chaotic form

SNOOB - Cute form


They are the Ego form (in the good way). Rarely has an egotistical personality but most of the time acts all cool and talks with confidence. Most of the time seems to be very charismatic and taking care of his appearance. Messy and Snoob can change to this form when given way too much confidence and are dressing with other clothes.


Personality Forms: Can alternate different parts of their personality changing their appearance when doing it. Anyway, somehow, these forms have the opportunity to interact and decide whose turn it will be. They rarely can be seen divided physically and interacting with the world, how does that happens IDK but is cool to watch
