vesper parfe.



5 years, 5 months ago


vesper parfe | 27 | he/she nb



vesper is a quiet, semi-private person who tends to keep to himself and and part of the houlyr family. she has somewhat of a quiet, straight-forward way of speaking, though generally vesper doesn't speak a lot to people she doesn't know. sometimes that causes her to come off as dismissive or as if she's ignoring others, though he doesn't mean to. despite living with the houlyr family (a very large, very lively group) vesper does not generally enjoy large groups or long periods of social interaction. vesper rarely goes outside of his comfort zone, unless it comes to his two children.

vesper is currently a single adoptive parent to kellyn and goldie, having gained official custody when he was twenty-five. thanks to help from the houlyr family, of course. he currently lives in their semi-private community in the mountains, with access to a flat their apartment building in erydon city.

though one might assume that vesper has magic due to the fact that both kellyn and goldie are, and the way her eyes look, vesper actually possesses no outward magical abilities at all. vesper's magic is actually rather unique in that it stabilizes the magical energy of others- very useful when you have a highly stressed teen that often accidentally shocks others.


vesper is about six feet tall, and on leaner side. he is white, with no visible birthmarks or freckles. she does have a few scratchmark scars over her mouth, but they are almost always concealed as vesper wears a face mask most of the time. (always in art, unless specified specifically.) hair is rather short, and not particularly well brushed. it is black, with a gray streak starting at the forehead and ending halfway back (it does not go all the way back.) her eyes have a dark purple sclera with a bright red-orange iris.


  • vesper enjoys wearing a variety of clothing, though it is usually loose, flowing clothing. feminine clothes (dresses, skirts) are more than welcome.
  • vesper almost always wears his scarf. it is very long, even wrapped around his neck. there's a bite torn out of it, courtesy of goldie. vesper will not get it repaired.
  • vesper briefly attended college, though left when kellyn came into her custody. occasionally, he entertains the idea of taking courses, but has not acted upon it. vesper would choose to study environmental science if she ever returned.
  • vesper was granted temporary custody of kellyn due to his magic acting as a stablizer. he was given emergency custody of goldie for the same reason, as magical instability was theorized to be why goldie's health was so fragile.
  • Pellentesque bibendum posuere ipsum, et pellentesque ipsum eleifend eget. Phasellus pretium odio eu erat dictum faucibus.
  • Ut interdum felis at metus blandit, id ultrices arcu sollicitudin. Ut leo ex, pretium a ipsum quis, blandit pellentesque arcu.
  • strawberry lemonade.
  • comfortable fall days, especially walking in the houlyr woods paths.
  • spending time with her two children.
  • yes
  • yes
  • hot and humid summer days.
  • loud, noisy areas that he is unable to leave.
  • bugs, especially ones with multiple eyes or legs.
  • no
  • no

"so i believe in a universe that doesn't care, and people that do." xx



vesper grew up in eyrdon city, with truthfully a fairly average upbringing. during high school, she applied to a buddy-mentorship program, and was accepted. due to his stabilizing energy, vesper often helped adults in the program help young children who struggled with their magic. though vesper enjoyed the work, once he graduated he chose not to pursue a child-related field. however, when vesper was twenty-one, a contact from the mentorship program contacted him and asked if he'd mind being a temporary guardian.

vesper agreed and took in kellyn when kellyn was ten years old. kellyn had been orphaned when he was younger, and spent five years in the eyrdon system before coming to live with vesper. his magic had recently surged, and the ten year old was struggling to control it, a problem they hoped to solve with vesper's own unique skill. the pair bonded quickly, and vesper left college to balance working in a library and tutoring (helped by stateprovided financial help for kellyn). two years later, and vesper was also granted emergency custody of goldie.

goldie had a unique case as her health was extremely fragile for unknown reasons- doctors theorized magical instability, though it was an extremely hard diagnosis to prove. vesper proved to help stablize the three-year old somewhat, but it was only a temporary fix. a doctor by the name of wynter houlyr offered a strange treatment option- moving to the large houlyr community. goldie was a shifter-type, and magical instabilities often benefitted from being around similar magic- almost all of the houlyr family was a sifter of some sort.

with permission from the system, vesper took kellyn and goldie and moved out of erydon city and into the mountains where the houlyr community was. over the next two years, both kellyn and goldie saw improvement in multiple places- emotional, magical, and overall health. now twenty-five, vesper couldn't see his life without the two, and sought out to gain full custody of both via adopting them. the houlyr family was all too happy to help out, as they'd essentially adopted the trio into their group anyway. vesper was granted custody, thanks to their help.

present day

now twenty-seven, vesper still lives in the houlyr community, and is proud to call herself the parent of a now sixteen-year old kellyn, and a seven-year old goldie. though there's many, many people in the large (and extremely extended family), vesper feels she fits in rather well, and doesn't have any current plans of leaving. he's glad to see the once sickly goldie racing around and wrestling with the houlyr children (though he still gets nervous when the large ones get rough), and is proud to see kellyn has come out of his nervous shell, even if it is in small steps.

kellyn kellyn is vesper's first and oldest child. he's very careful to try and not over-push kellyn, but encourages him to do things outside his comfort zones, and is always proud when kellyn does. vesper hopes kellyn thinks he's doing an okay job, and wouldn't give being his new parent up for anything in the world.

goldie goldie is vesper's second and youngest child. often, he has to try and reign her in, as she's still rather fragile in the health department. vesper often tells her how brave she is for being so strong with putting up with all the doctor visits, and he tries to give her as normal of a lifestyle as he possibly can. even with all the extra "work", vesper wouldn't ever give up being her parent.

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Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus.