


5 years, 1 month ago


"Just because the world has mean and rotten people in it doesn't make it worth throwing away, yeah? Sometimes it takes people like us, the guys who dig down real deep and work real hard to make a difference. As long as I know that I've changed one person's life, that I'm a page in someone else's story, I can die happy."

Poochyena is a young upstart explorer from the outskirts of Nebulane city. Her mother, Mightyena, was a world renowned explorer, praised for her exploits across the world's continents and serving as an inspiration to a whole generation of Pokemon that sought to become explorers themselves. Poochyena was raised on her stories of discovery, intrigue, and adventure, but what always grabbed the pup's attention were her stories of the people she saved and the lives that she touched. Poochyena made a personal vow that that was the model she would follow, and that those were the footsteps that she would follow. Despite the pressures of expectation from those around her, the ever optimistic Poochyena never worried if she was truly living to her mother's legacy.

At least, she didn't until her mother finally passed. With a note of recommendation in her bag, Poochyena set out across the continent searching for Zygarde's training camp in Tyro Town, hoping to join his ranks and officially become an explorer. On her way, she found an unconscious Cubone that had been robbed by a roving Sneasel, a dastardly underling of the Moonstone Gang. Coming across a strange Froakie that called itself Thad, she set out in pursuit of the thief. Unfortunately, they quickly lost sight of him and instead brought the Cubone's unconscious body to a local doctor before heading out to Tyro Town together. There Poochyena and Thad registered as Team Wish and began their career together. 

Poochyena has a big heart, but unfortunately lacks the brains to match. She finds herself easily lost without outside help, and has a hard time understanding social cues. She's also fairly cowardly despite her best efforts, being known to freeze in place at the sight of danger or to hide behind Thad when threatened. Despite this, she works harder than anyone else to overcome her shortcomings and make her mother's legacy proud.