Ashton Malloy



5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Ashton Malloy
Name meaning: Ash tree

Age: 16-18

Height: 6’4 ft (193 cm)

Birthday: August 18
Zodiac Sign: Leo

Languages: English

Personality: Ashton comes off as extremely cold and standoffish. He has a grouchy face, and a pretty serious and grumpy attitude. He doesn't like letting emotions getting the best of him, and usually puts all of time and effort into his studies. However, when he gets ticked off, he can't really control his anger. He's a pretty confident person, and has a pretty large ego, and isn't afraid to say whats on his mind. He feels as if he's above others, leading him to be pretty cocky. He'll often come off as an asshole due to the fact that he'll criticize people for their mistakes and belittle them. He's hard to warm up too, and doesn't really like people getting to close to him. He get's annoyed easily and doesn't like dealing with other people, but unfortunately, he is especially good at what he does and comes off as a model student type, so no one can really complain about his attitude.

Likes: books, magic, being on top, studying, showing off
Dislikes: dealing with others, losing, being compared to his brother

Extra Facts:
- Ashton's family history is made up of an extremely long line of famous and high pristine wizards and witches
- Ashton lives with his mother, father, and older brother Allen.
- His older brother is a professor at the magic academy.
- Ever since he was little, he's been taught about the world of magic
- He's always attended prestigious magic academies.
- Because of his mastery is magic usage, he is given the job of a magic mentor, which is usually assigned to upperclassmen. The job of a magic mentor is to give assistance to freshman or new students so that they don't fall behind on their studies.
- He becomes a magic mentor in his sophomore year, and is later assigned to assist Kae. He soon grows to despise Kae after realizing that she's useless with magic, mainly because her performance will reflect on his own grades, and if she fails, he'll fall down with her.
- Ashton dislikes his older brother, Allen, solely because growing up, they were always compared.
- He always likes doing this on his own, and dislikes working with others
- To no ones surprise, he's never kissed a girl. Kae later teases him for this fact, despite never kissing anyone either.
- He loves competing against others, but will never challenge anyone if he's sure to lose. Its how he keeps up with perfect win record.
- Ashton has a surprising soft spot for small animals, and absolutely adores kittens.
- Ashton is the tallest person in his family and he absolutely hates it because he always bumps his head on low door frames or low hanging items.
- When angry, he has an extremely foul mouth.
- He claims to be allergic to human stupidity.
- Despite the fact that he doesn't like working with others, he has amazing leadership abilities.
- His favorite thing to drink is vanilla flavor coffee, and he cant actually handle the bitterness of coffee
- His favorite color is Yellow