Summer Thompson



5 years, 2 months ago


Hit and Run
what are you thinking about?
the same thing you are.
I could've told you my body was vacant, and you could've acted as though you were human, I'll invent a way to learn to detoxify.
  • the great outdoors
  • any and all animals, but especially big dogs
  • her girlfriends, Azra and Julia
  • non-supernatural danger
  • public displays of affection
  • lack of privacy from her ghost bestie, Adrian
Summer Thompson
Summer Thompson
full name

Summer Ann Thompson

23 y/o

Demi Girl


Bisexual (fem pref)

May 14th (Taurus)
Formerly a skeptic, although she quickly became a believer after her accidental killing of a guy left her open to a fairly nasty haunting. That's all behind them, though!
Hit and Run

While on a trip with her then-just-friend, Azra, Summer hit a guy with her van. Freaked out, the two left for a diner, trying to calm themselves down. Azra was very insistent on picking up Julia and having the three of them run away together. Summer might've agreed, but she began seeing the hitchhiker. As the night wore on, the hauntings just got more and more aggressive, so they went back to the scene of the crime. It was clear to Summer that this wouldn't stop unless she made things right, so she turned herself in, refusing to plead insanity and set on serving her time.


When Summer got out from serving her vehicular manslaughter charge (2 and a half years), a lot had changed. Her parents disowned her completely, and she no longer had a place on campus, but instead in a house, with her now-girlfriends Azra and Julia. She also returned with Adrian- the hitchhiker ghost that had nearly killed her. He was still haunting her, albeit far less violently now. During her time in prison, the two had slowly come to an understanding, and were now fairly close. Summer went back to school, graduating with a degree in physical therapy, just a couple years behind the others.

Monster Hunting

Despite the bad last experience, Julia was set on continuing her paranormal investigations. Summer and Azra good-naturedly went along with it, although Summer declined ever being a part of Julia's videos documenting it. The videos didn't exactly do well, although Summer effortlessly blew up on tiktok due to Adrian doing fun lil ghost things in the background. Julia ended up finding more fame in writing young adult supernatural books, even getting herself a book tour! Right as plans for a spontaneous supernatural roadtrip fell into place... whoops! Apparently she and Azra are having another solo adventure- and hopefully a better one than their last.

  • has two dogs- a rhodesian ridgeback named Michael and an australian shepherd named Freddy. they're good boys, despite the names!
  • between killing a man and turning herself in, made out with azra so they didn't look suspicious to a cop passing by
  • played lacrosse in college and was originally planning on going pro, being switching to a more medical-focused major after getting out of prison
Design Notes
  • Summer is only 5'2 ft- shorter than Azra, but taller than Julia!
  • likes layering her clothes- lots of big sweaters and jackets, usually in more natural earthy colors. big fan of greens, oranges, and browns. prefers more masculine fashion overall
  • has a matching star/moon/sun tattoo with her girlfriends! she's the moon. plans on getting more tattoos eventually
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