The Order



5 years, 2 months ago


The Order


" The only way to the top is with blood. " ― Tenebris


A desert clan that's nestled into the mountains, Mesquisa is a hardy tribe. More than able to hold they're own, pushovers often dont make it passed pup years. The highest ranked members often have carts and koso to pull them, to help them travel as ambassadors, as despite its rough and tumble ways, this tribe prefers peace over war. Violence is far from scorned as long as it's not cold blooded murder. Disputes are solved amongst themselves or brought to Furiosa to settle if murder is imminent. Both parties can agree to battle to the death and there will be no consequences. The loser is honored and buried with proper respect given. Murder of any other kind is met with exile without resources, or essentially death in the blistering heat.


tenor-4.gifMesquisa is a tribe that has 3 major sections. The residential part of Mesquisa is an everyday area for members. Carved into the side of the mountain are their homes. Most are fairly crude though some that have time spent on them can be fairly beautiful. These homes carved into the stone are basic. They consist of a bed, a place to eat, fire pits, and a few other tiny rooms generally used for growing family that has not yet earned their place in the tribe. The tribe generally uses simple woven curtains as doors, though they do have slim slabs of stone they can use for more privacy, or as protection from minor, common sand storms. 

The second part of the tribe is the marketplace, this location is open to outsiders and tribe members alike. Visitors often trade for Mesquisa's masterly carved stone trinkets. They often trade for baubles that take sand to make. Things like glass and hourglasses are common, unable to make these things themselves due to it being blasphemy to do so, they rely on these trades. The market place is surrounded by an ancient wall thats of unknown origin. Its old weather beaten state still provides protection from standard sand accumulation. At the gates stand Mesquisa's Beacons. These massive pyres lead travelers from far and wide to the safety of the tribes walls, and beckons tribe members returning from their rite with how to get home.

The final part of Mesquisa is far older than the tribe itself. An underground village is carved in the mountains underground cave. This old, worn down system of crudely carved caverns is where the tribespeople gather when a devastating sandstorm hits. These are a rare occurrence but the tribe is always ready. Also in these caverns resides a lake. The water seems to glow blue creating a stunning aura of beauty and peace. This is the one place in Mesquisa where violence and conflict are forbidden. This lake is believed to be a gift from The Dunes and therefore no violence shall be had in its presence. To do so would not only incur Furiosa's wrath but possibly The Dune's as well. The lake is a place of peace and worship and life.


The religion of this tribe is Sand Worship, or by extension, time. Furiosa being born and raised in the desert has watched tribes, mountains, and all manner of beings be devoured by the dunes. In her mind there is nothing more powerful and one day sand will consume it all. It is believed that The Rite of Mesquisa keeps the peace as any toskals who fail to return are honored and celebrated as sacrifices that gave their lives so the tribe could thrive. 


20191117_160049.gifThere are no pelt restrictions though desert colored pelts are generally viewed as more attractive as those toskals are closer to the dunes. Any rank of toskal is also permitted though grunts may have to work a little harder to compensate for their small stature. Any rank can hold any position in the tribe. A grunt can be an ambassador and an apex can be a lowly grounds keeper. However, it is far more likely for a desert pelted toskal to have a higher rank as they are generally held in higher regard. 

Being the lighter of the cave pyres is one of the highest held honors outside of being the founders blood. The lit pyres are often the only beacons toskals on their rite use to find their way home, as they're beacons to the survivors. 

The tribe is headed by Furiosa, a toskal who has travelled the world and survived many battles. She is a wise and patient leader, though her word is law, to disobey is dangerous as she can be ruthless when needed. She is often called a Prophet and is the Speaker of The Dunes.


Mesquisa has a few well known festivals. The most common is The Feast. This is a weekly tradition of a tribe wide meal held at the bonfire. This keep the tribe relations healthy and strong, and gives everyone time to relax and have fun. Toskals dance and sing deep into the night, celebrating the life they've been bestowed by The Dunes. 

Another fairly common festival is the Rite of Mesquisa. This festival celebrates any returning toskals within a month. A feast is presented, as well as gifts. The returning toskals are given an unoccupied residence or begins to carve a new one, the entire tribe working until the space can be slept in, the rest is up to the new cave owner. 

The most somber festival Mesquisa holds, is The Passing. This ritual is held when a toskal passes. The dead toskal has some sacred water straight from the lake brushed onto their forehead. A chant is said to help them find their way as they're laid to rest in a sandy grave in the shade of the mountain. Death is something Mesquisa feels deeply as all the members are family, even if not by blood.

The Rite

source-1.gifThe Rite is considered a passage into the tribe for those who return. If the toskals survive on their own and manage to find their way back to their home they are welcomed with open arms and are celebrated with a feast. These new members of the tribe are now official, given their own residence to call home. Bonding can be done internally or externally, but the mate MUST join the tribe. If they refuse the member is exiled with plentiful supplies to survive the desert and head to a new home.


 Mesquisa is open to visitors, often trading with other tribes and travelers. They are a welcoming people as long as they are respected and their rules followed.

To join the tribe one must simply have a counsel with Furiosa and prove they're worthy. She is the ultimate judgement for those wishing to enter. The Desert Queen will only take those she thinks will help her tribe. She is however willing to listen to all.

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