


8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Elias De Leon (Last name pronounced in Spanish)




Dainty (Info; http://fav.me/dbcv9kl )




5'0 or 152cm (He's a very short captain! XD )


Pirate Captain

Other Names

Captain De Leon, Goat Legs


reckless, random, confident, tough, cool nature, quick, unpredictable, possessive, lewd

Items (Optional)

Pirate Gun (http://sta.sh/0iasxzkd014)


He's very cool natured, he doesn’t loose his cool that easily or let's thing get to him just like that, main reason why he's even the Captain, so when his being annoyed or laughed at cause of his height he just smiles and gives those some payback for laughing at him. He's also very unpredictable, reckless and full of confidence, so it's never no surprise when he comes up with something or does something that leaves everybody in shock! He's very short like 5'0 or 152cm tall; but don't let his height fool you, he's very tough and can defend himself just fine and his height doesn't bother him at all and takes advantage of it the 100%. He's a full-hearted adventurer of the seas he enjoys a lot having fun. He loves gold and jewels and rum and le booty~ But nothing is sweeter for him than any adventure, mission or request he can get his hands on. He can never stay too long doing nothing, he may go crazy! He also does have the bad habit or extreme inpatient-ness of ending things quickly if they can't be solved or become too complicated. Example; he shoots someone to end the problem if the person caused it!
Despite his personality, he's well respected by his crew since he's a very reliable, trustworthy and honest of a captain.
And what he hides under his bandanna-eyebatch, it's an ugly scar that crosses his eyes starting from above his eyebrow and ending almost in his cheek, that same eye being partially or almost blind and having a lighter color than the other. He really dislike it and hides it anyway he can, reason he lets his hair grow long if he ever looses his bandanna and also the eye being pretty useless anyway. He got that scar from one of his solo adventures that didn't exactly go as he planned... That one time his recklessness almost cost his life but only left a scar as a reminder~

The desinger of Elias was Byebi using minivia's base

Dainty (Closed Species) belongs to Pajuxi/Kiwi-adopts on DA