


5 years, 6 months ago


《 Basics 》

× Blake Falls ×

a.k.a. Brown

 Male (he/him) | 19 | 179 cm | Human | Colour Guardian

gentle | considerate | calm | sincere | sleepy 

× ashes to ashes, dust to dust ×


× History:

× Blake was born into a small, but loving family as an only child. He was always described as affectionate, loving, and cheerful. Although his family was sometimes rather short on money, he loved his parents very much.

× Tragedy struck when Blake was 8 and his mother passed away, a brain tumor taking her life. Although this shook Blake to the core, it didn't end with this, as his father soon died as well, being lethally injured in a construction site accident. He was moved to his aunt to another city and for long, he couldn't really process the death of his parents.

× He was on the path to becoming a sad and distant person when a ray of hope, Hani appeared. Hani was a classmate in the new school he went to, and although she was rather feeble and did not go to school a lot, she was really kind to the quiet Blake. They soon became best friends, and whenever they could, they played together, enjoying being out in the nearby forest and doing all sorts of roleplay games, mostly epic fantasy ones.

× Blake was blessed by the Queen of Light with her last power when he was 12, and he gained amazing earth and mineral manipulating powers. Although confused, he was also fascinated by these powers and enjoyed building castles of beautiful gemstones and dirt along with other constructions that became more and more elaborate as he grew.

× He went on to highschool along with Hani, and exceled in studies, his favourite class being geology of course. He won contests and felt satisfied hanging out with his best friend until he turned 15 and his life was turned upside down again. Hani became bedridden for weeks and had a heart operation before she passed away. Blake was completely crushed by this and wanted to immediately drop out of school, but with the help of his aunt and therapy he slowly worked his way through the incredible grief. He still hasn't fully recovered from the horror of losing his best friend and became distant with most of his friends, staying alone for most of his time in high school. He didn't apply to university, unsure of what he wants to be.

× He was brought together with the other Colour Guardians when he was 19, and although he tried to stay emotionally detached from them, he felt an immediate connection and couldn't help becoming their friend.

× Personality:

× Blake is a gentle, kind, yet mostly distant person. He is considerate and empathetic, and will talk with most people, but he won't go out of his way to make new friends and meet new people. He tries to be this way because he's scared of being overly attached to people and then ending up seeing them hurt or even worse. He misses his best friend and parents dearly.

× Despite his distancing himself from others, the Colour Guardians became his friends. And thus, when he is your friend, he will become a motherlike figure who is nurturing and caring, doing anything to protect the ones he loves. He can even be a little overprotective and will try to sway everyone away from danger as much as possible. He trasures the other guardians very close to his heart, and will get sickly anxious if anything bad happens to them.

× He does not like to talk about himself or his past by himself, and for a long time he pretended to the other guardians that he was just leading a normal life like any other. However, when talking about the ones he lost, he will become extremely sad and has a hard time thinking positively after being reminded of them.

× Eventually, he shows affection in very sweet ways. He will cook and make small treats for his friends, along with bringing little gifts that reminded him of them. He loves physical touch but would never push anyone's boundaries and won't try to get close to anyone unless they do first. 

× Likes: 

  • sleeping
  • fantasy books
  • dirt
  • gentle rain
  • blankets
  • coffee
  • gemstones

× Dislikes: 

  • hospitals
  • waking up early
  • sweets
  • cold

× Relationships:



■ Abilities:

× earth manipulation: Can manipulate earth, dirt and other solid dirtlike matters according to his will, being able to use them as offensive or defensive mehcanics.

× mineral manipulation: although basically a subcategory of earth manipulation, it's worth a mention. He can make stronger, more effective weapons and shields using gems, but it also takes more energy and work for him to control these.

■ Fun facts:

▪ soon...