


5 years, 1 month ago





Pronouns They / Them
Species Elnin
Stage Kittom
Hometown Salva, Enmir


Midus is a young elnin in the world of Eyre. Not yet an adult, they are filled with doubts and fears but also curiosity, and have recently have begun to travel more. So far they have visited Silveil and hope to see maybe Zevija or Ealei. Having grown up mostly in Enmir, they also return there regularly. Although Midus often appears standoffish and tense, they would truthfully like to be more laidback. A lack of courage holds them back from many things, so they are working hard to be braver.


Ear Fluff
Tail Size
Tail Style Steppe
Crown Infused Diadem
Mutations Leggy Fluff, Maned


  • Reading
  • Swimming
  • Tidying
  • Flower pressing


  • Honey
  • Insects
  • Kitchens
  • Calm water


  • Pepper
  • Frost
  • Crowds
  • Scary stories


Quiet | Reserved | Honest | Fretful | Indecisive

Midus is a quiet and reticent sort who doesn't seem to speak much. They shy away from attention and are always surrounded by a stoic, apprehensive aura, as if they are troubled by something but bearing with it. When they do speak, their words are often short and blunt. To many, Midus comes across as standoffish or unfriendly.

The truth behind all this, however, is simply that Midus overthinks a lot. While they have few words, they have many thoughts - so many, in fact, that they have trouble deciding what to say and thus end up saying nothing at all. Their mind is very active and inquisitive, and a nerve-wracking experience in the past has left them wary (and a touch pessimistic). This combination makes them prone to overcomplicating situations, finding monsters where there aren't any, and overall ending up too afraid to move. Their careful attitude makes them look mature for their age, but the reality is that Midus is just nervous and a little lost about what to believe in.

To those they are close to, Midus can be significantly more relaxed, permissive and even chatty. Their manner of speaking is always overly direct but, in the long run, they give just as many honest compliments as tactless criticisms. Once they have their thoughts sorted out, they are also quite good at explaining things and make a surprisingly patient tutor. Since they don't have much charisma themselves, they like to go with the flow of those that do and feel safer in the shadows of others. The easy confidence of more upbeat, go-getting sorts helps them push past their own hesitations.

When they are old enough, Midus would like to go adventuring and discover the world. They hope to find the right kind of bravery soon that will let them take that plunge.



Midus is good at reading, record-keeping and generally keeping things neat and tidy. They enjoy taking notes and have precise handwriting. They find organising things rather satisfying and aren't squeamish, so they're happy to do all sorts of house-cleaning. Having grown up in Enmir, they are well-acquainted with medicinal plants and know how to gather the local ones. They also have a budding interest in cooking, though they're not allowed to use the stove by themselves yet.


Like most kittoms, Midus was raised by a variety of adult elnins in their earliest years. Many of them would travel around Eyre in small caravans, with several other kittoms in tow. The adults always took care to warn the younger ones about places to avoid, which Midus - ever an over-serious child - took to heart. One day, the caravan stopped in the town of Salva, Enmir. While the adults were busy, the other kittoms decided it would be exciting to have a quick, sneaky peek at Shaedmoor. Midus was the only one too nervous to break the rules, so they stayed behind to cover for them. As evening set in with no sign of the kittoms' return, however, Midus began to panic. Breaking their promise to keep their friends' adventure a secret, they ran to the adults and told them everything. Immediately, two adults rushed off to find the wayward kittoms, while a third stayed with Midus. The entire night passed before one of the adults returned - with no one else.

Midus wasn't told exactly what happened, but they could guess. The adult who returned became very ill from whatever he encountered out there, so all three of them stayed in Salva to look after him. Recovery was terribly slow. Eventually, taking pity on them, a local apothecary offered to take in the sick elnin so the others could travel again. Midus, still feeling guilty for what happened, refused to leave the sick elnin's side, so the healthy adult reluctantly but gratefully left them there to continue her own journey.

Thus Midus grew up in Enmir, running errands for the townsfolk and picking up local knowledge. Other travelling elnins would regularly visit so they stayed in touch with news from Eyre, but it was only recently that the sick elnin finally grew strong enough to tell Midus that he would be okay, and that Midus should go out and see the world. So now, slowly but surely, Midus has been trying to do just that.




[ Best Friend ]

A cheerful kittom who Midus met in Silveil. They fret about how easily she gets into trouble, but also admire how open and fearless she is.



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