Strawberry Milkshake Diamond



5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Strawberry Pink Milkshake Diamond (Strawberry for short)



Court theme



Court leader/Matriarch, Taste tester


Strawberry Pink Milkshake Diamond (Strawberry for short) is the head of sugar court, a small court made up of very sweet gems. She's really childish, though she truly loves her court. She was given 2 pearls to look after her and play with her. She's similar in size to Pink Diamond, with her smaller than a regular diamond. She was the last diamond to be made, and with the other diamonds not really seeing eye to eye (or being completely missing in spooky court diamond's case), it's incredibly rare that new gems are made. Usually gems just choose a diamond and stick with her court.

The other diamonds don't really pay her much mind, and thus she doesn't really know what it means to be a diamond. In any case, she loves those in her court, treating them more as friends than subjects. She secretly wishes that she felt as much of a sense of purpose as her gems do, since she doesn't really know what to do with the court. While she looks up to Honey and Flora diamonds, they seem more interested in each other rather than her court, and after hearing that Koi likes to take and keep gems in her court and not let them go, she's nervous to approach the diamond. Though she's been to the planet that spooky court call their home a couple of times, she has yet to actually meet the diamond in question.

Though at first it annoyed her to no end that her court was the smallest, she's grown to accept this fact, and cherishes each of her gems.

Some of the gems in her court took it upon themselves to make a sort of bakery. While gems don't eat, they found they enjoyed the process of making food. She's always happy to taste test what they make, and will sometimes bring food items for those in spooky court when she visits.