Zephra £450



5 years, 2 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)


Name: Zephra

Species: Marbled Fox

Personality/Quirks: Zeph likes animated and superhero movies but the villains are their favourite characters. Horror and Gore freak them out. Zeph listens to Christmas music out of season. They forget to use their inside voice, very superstitious, has a phobia of Ladybugs, Resting bitch face, suffers from nose bleeds, hands shake when nervous... they are always nervous. They are incredibly stubborn but can be persuaded with coffee over ice. Zeph likes to paint in their spare time, considers themself an artist. 

Reason for selling: This is a very special character to me but I haven't used them or added any art to this collection in over a year. So I would love for them to find a new home and have some extra money for rent. All info can be changed and character design can be edited. You will have full rights to the character and art.

Worth: £535 

Selling For: £450 

Over 70+ pieces of art!