Serena Aquania



5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Serena Aquania
Name meaning: Clear, tranquil

Age: 15-16

Species: Mermaid 

Height: 5’5 ft (165 cm)

Birthday: January 24
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Personality: Serena is extremely kind, sweet, friendly, and full of curiosity. Wanting to learn or see new things, she tends to act rashly and doesn't think before acting. She adores learning new things, and has a fascination for the human world. She's very hyperactive, and acts solely on impulse. She also enjoys socializing and meeting new people. Around new people, she may come off as quiet and shy, but that't just because she's busy observing the people around her, before she decides to interact.

Likes: Jewelry, hearts, pearls, animals, the surface, long hair, magic, making crafts, exploring, learning, pastel colors, humans
Dislikes: Being alone, not being allowed out, not talking, dark, creepy places, slimy things, bugs

Extra Facts:
- Serena adores living in the sea, but she's especially fascinated by the surface and wants to learn everything about it.
- Serena is an only child, and is born into royalty.
- She is the princess and heir to the kingdom of Aquania, which is located in the pacific ocean.
- Her family is made up of her mother, father, and herself.
- She studies healing magic, and secretly also studies transformation magic, which is forbidden.
- She's not very good at healing magic, but can heal small cuts or injuries without a problem.
- The first time she explored land was when she was six years old, after she successfully attempted a human transformation. The transformation only lasted a few hours, and she had to hurry back to the water.
- She originally met Wade during her first time on land, however they don't meet again until ten years later, but they do not recognize each other.
- Her human transformation usually has a time limit, but the better she gets, the longer she can hold the transformation. However, if her body gets wet, the transformation will immediately revert and she won't be able to transform again until she dries off, or restores her strength.
- The necklace she wears was given her her by Wade when they first met.
- She doesn't like wearing human clothes, and thinks they're too restraining.
- She loves things that are sparkly and pretty.
- She loves to collect seashells or other small things and make accessories out of them.
- She loves to sing, and has a very pretty voice.
- Her favorite color is pink.