Wade Chester



5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Wade Chester
Name meaning: Wanderer, Adventurer

Age: 16-17

Species: Human

Ethnicity: American

Height: 6’2 ft (188 cm)

Birthday: April 5
Zodiac Sign: Aries

Personality: Wade is very open and kind around others. He's very interested in ocean life, and focuses that with his school studies. He's pretty calm and collected, but an extreme mess around girls, and flusters easily. Despite this, he tends to be a social butterfly, yet he can often be found alone, due to the fact that he is quite shy in reality. He's hardworking, and tries to work out things by himself, and doesn't usually reach out for help. He can often be found alone in secluded areas on the beach, usually thinking.

Likes: The ocean, fantasy stories, reading, being alone, being around close friends, studying, being in the water
Dislikes: Being around too many people, the cold, being to far out in the ocean, beetles

Extra Facts:
- Wade's family is made up of his mother, father, and younger sister Willow.
- He lives alone because it's easier for him to go to school that way. His parents do check up on him often.
- He wants to be a marine biologist, and is fascinated by ocean life.
- He originally met Serena when he was seven years old, however they don't meet again until ten years later, but they do not recognize each other.
- The necklace he wears was given to him by Serena when they first met.
- Despite loving the ocean, being too far out scares him, as he is not the best swimmer.
- When he was younger, he almost drowned after being carried out into the sea by a current. He's not sure how he got back to the shore, but is convinced a mermaid saved him. Eventually, he believed this to be a dream.
- He is usually surrounded by people, however he enjoys being alone more. He doesn't know why he's so popular.
-Thanks to Serena's transformation magic, she can turn him into a merman.
- He really likes wearing jackets.
- His favorite thing to eat are fish or steak tacos
- He can't handle spicy food, and it makes him sick
- His favorite color is blue.