



  • Loyal, a little stuck up, intelligent, manipulative, possessive, smooth talker, sly, private, intuitive, curious and loves learning new things, doting, clingy (because she gets lonely), wanderer, impatient, a little bit of a show-off.

  • Likes: New food, intelligent people, learning new things, exploring, kind people, new languages/culture, sleep, animals, hunting (but not killing), sparing, showing off, music
  • Dislikes: Missions, being away from her home, people who fear of her or treat her like an alien, people who hurt others for no reason, killing, loud and crowded areas

  • Moritat comes from a far distant planet called Opliea. Opliea wasn't mainly a warrior planet, but it had to become so. Moritat holds one of the highest positions a person could land, as the master's main advisor. She's pretty young to be an advisor, and long time she was treated like a kid and ridiculed by giving meaningless jobs and not paying attention to her opinion. Moritat worked very hard to get to the position she was in. Her father, who was also an advisor taught her all he knew since she was just a child and her mother, previously the planet's finest huntress and now one of the master's body guards, taught her defense and how to fight. The master of course knew this, and felt as though the position was only hurting Moritat.

    So when a mission arose that required someone who the master truly trusted Moritat was chosen. However, at the time Moritat thought she was being punished and was upset having to leave her family and friends behind on a mission that sent her far away. She was supposed to play an ambassador and make contact with planets who had relations with theirs, but she was also supposed to use her mother's hunting skills and find species with powers that could benefit the master's own army and bring specimens back for study and training to see if they would make for good warriors. Moritat has traveled from planet to planet since then, a little bitter and angry towards his master who gave her orders to not come home until she found a powerful enough species to help their planet. She still feels immense loyalty to her planet, but misses her family and feels as though the master tried to send her away on purpose.

    Long years after she succeeded with returning home and having her own child. She wise and still cold, but reached excellent steps in her work, and some co-workers even call her "a witch". Her wisdom not only helped her to reach a place of Master's advisor, but her advises won not the one battle for Oplieans.
Age / height / weight
mid 40 / 170 cm / 55 kg
Chaotic neutral / INTP
Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Advisor, witch