Blue Moon



5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Hyacintho Luna


Blue Moon, Bloom










Amor Mancipium


n/a, slave


Cheerful, happy, very feminine



n/a, made in a lab


Bloom's skin is soft and pale, and is often wrapped in bandages. Her hair is long and tends to be messy looking. Her ears and tail are the same color as her hair, and they're soft like a kitten's fur. She has a distinctive hourglass shape, and rarely is actually wearing clothes. Her eyes are large and a beautiful blue. Besides her tail and ears, the only other cat-like features she has are her sharp nails.


Spending most of her life sheltered away from people, Bloom can be described as odd and naive. She's very curious and will ask questions that can be wildly inappropriate without knowing any better. She also has no filter and will just say random things, regardless of who's around. 

Bloom is partially like this due to her species. The Amor Mancipium are specifically bred to be love slaves for people. They cannot feel pain and cannot get mad, fearful, or aggressive. Their brains are specifically modified for being docile and loving, even when they're being tortured and abused. They are mostly immortal unless their hearts are incinerated, and otherwise have a remarkable regenerative ability, able to regrow limbs within an hour. Most things that would cause pain for other species would just feel like pressure or, in some rarer cases, pleasure.

Bloom is one of the rare ones that feel pleasure instead of pain. She was made for a particularly sadistic woman, and loved her greatly. The woman also loved her in a sick way, but would do many horrible kinds of torture to Bloom, who didn't really understand that torture isn't fun for most people. The woman was popular in an underground torture theater, and her and Bloom were stars there. This helped normalize the torture for Bloom.

Unfortunately, or at least unfortunately in Bloom's eyes, the woman was killed in a raid at the theater, and Bloom knew enough about other species to know that the wound the woman suffered would kill her. The raiders took Bloom in, and she was grieving for a day before she went back to her cheery self. She still misses her original owner though.


Likes: Pain, plushies, medical equipment, the smell of rubbing alcohol, ribbons

Dislikes: Permanent death


Strength: Basically immortal, high endurance, unable to feel pain, claws

Weaknesses: Unable to feel pain, not very strong, naive, trusting


  • The Amor Mancipium, originally called Sealgairí Fíochmhara, were a natural species of cat people, but tricked by a group of contract type demons who call themselves the Wishgranters into becoming a docile and naive people in exchange for being immortal. The Amor Mancipium at the time were suffering from an epidemic that, unknown to them, was caused by the Wishgranters. This happened hundreds of years ago, and as the years went on, the Amor Mancipium became more and more docile and naive, and eventually the Wishgranters removed their ability to procreate and just started to breed them in labs for other slavers and people in the underground scene.
  • They were given the name Amor Mancipium by the Wishgranters.
  • Her right eye never regenerated after her original owner removed it and Blue Moon doesn't know why.