


8 years, 1 month ago


desmond aldrige

cis male - he/him - heterosexual aromantic

human portal - latinx/white


clever and manipulative

emotionally volatile

strong leadership characteristics

loyal to those he cares about

obsessive and intense


medium-tan skin

thin but toned

scruffy black hair (bluish tint)

deep set, blue eyes with dark circles/bags

usually wears jeans and leather jackets, boots or sneakers (just durable, comfortable stuff)


a seasoned killer who is good at causing others pain

very good at manipulating people for his gain

additionally, through his many misadventures and encounters with strange supernatural forces, he became a human portal to the underworld

often gets "possessed" as hellcreatures try to pass through his body and take him over

becomes even more volatile than usual and can cause body deformities and extra growths such as horns, extra eyes, etc


Desmond Alridge grew up in a town by the sea, living in a small, floor-level apartment with his terminally ill father. Since he was very young he knew how to take care of himself. As a child he always looked to the ocean, and the ships that docked there. Despite the poor reputation of this dirty old city, people from other parts of the world would frequently seek refuge there.

When he was seven years old he met a stowaway, clinging her small body to the underside of the wooden docks by her claws, hiding from the sailors who she claimed drowned her father when he was discovered. Desmond took her home and for the rest of his life claimed her as his own sister. As she grew older, she took care of the two of them until their father finally gave in to his own illness.

The girl was Ruairi Breslin, come from far across the world with her dragon shifter of a father, hoping to find a place where she could live in peace without being persecuted for her unnatural abilities. She would take care of Desmond (even though he was only a few years her junior and largely independent) by working odd jobs and doing things she wouldn't always talk about.

She had a boss for a period of time until Desmond reached the age of 17, and then she was gone. Desmond tracked down two of his old friends, brothers, and they hunted down the man who abducted his sister and killed over half of his staff. They made off with Ru and one other girl - at the time a thin, broken machine - and discovered that the man named Grindall, who controlled over half the country by business ventures, ran all sorts of secret, nefarious operations involving humanoid experimentation.

Desmond and his friends declared a coup against Grindall's organization, but because of his power, they were listed as traitors and enemies of the state. Thus, they became outcasts of society, all their operations and very existence deemed illegal activities - with Desmond at the head of it.

It started with Desmond hunting down Grindall's associates. Now the Turbiners are a nationally recognized network of assassins, deemed terrorist organization, and they make nearly all of their income via contract kills.

Desmond spends most of his time traipsing through city streets, looking for peculiar people of interest, particularly anyone associated with Grindall or someone he may be interested in. He wants to know what it was about his sister that Grindall wanted so badly, and he thinks he just may have found someone who can help him with that.


