UFO's Comments

How much would you be willing to give her up for in $ and art? 

I did not get her for money, so ill be looking into art or trade only.
With a lot of art and that I've done as well as an exchange, It'll depend what I'd be looking into.

What kind of art are you looking into getting? If you’d like we can take this to DMs to properly discuss

It depends on what youre offering really, it could be mixed..

and I rather discuss this here since I listed on my TOS i dont like talking via DMs / Notes, sorry!

Oh thats completely my bad, my apologies! 

But as for art I can pretty much do anything as a range from furries, humans, monsters, ferals, etc — I can do any kind of body ( full, half, portrait ) and I can also do scenic sort of pieces as well. Ultimately I can do whatever you’re looking for when it comes to any kind of art, you can just give me a character, let me know how much art you’re wanting/needing and I can definitely do it 

Most I’m willing to do 10 pieces, all varying in whatever you’d like ( this also includes adding characters to scenes etc )

If youre wanting I have some art examples on here you can look at, otherwise I can send you my old CARRD I used for commissions when I did them  

sure I'd like examples of each (human preferably) and maybe also your old carrd then :0

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