Astrid Starling



5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Astrid Starling
Name meaning: divinely beautiful

Age: 18

Species: Human

Ethnicity: american

Height: 5’6 ft (168 cm)

Birthday: June 20
Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Personality: Astrid appears very stoic, calm, and collected, but in reality she's a rush of emotions. Naturally, she has a cool front that she keeps up, but she's clingy around the people she likes, and is very cheerful and positive. She enjoys helping others, and doesn't know how to keep her nose out of other people's business. She often gets lost in thought, and others need to often snap her out of it.

Likes: Space, robots, computers, stars, writing, reading, studying, mornings
Dislikes: waking up past noon, eggs, having nothing to do, people not being honest

Extra Facts:
- Astrid grew up on Earth, but has always been fascinated about exploring space.
- Her family consists of her father and younger sister. Her mother disappeared when she was younger, and is presumed dead.
- Her mother was a robotic engineer on a space ship, and Astrid grew up wanting to do the same thing.
- She graduated top of her class, and her studies focused on robotic engineering and space travel.
- Right as she graduated, she was accepted into one of the top space battle training programs.
- Currently, Earth is a part of a large galactic war, and she wants to be able to fight for her home planet, hence why she joins the battle program.
- She excels in her studies, and is extremely intelligent.
- She dislikes wearing skin tight clothing, but doesn't mind her body suit uniform because the design looks cool.
- She's not very strong physically, but shows to be extremely good with controlling battle robots.
- Her biggest fear is getting stranded in space
- She switches her hair style from a full bun to a half bun depending on her mood
- She loves city landscapes and thinks the lights buildings give off are very pretty
- She loves to eat yakisoba and hamburgers
- Her favorite color is yellow