Gen 0



5 years, 1 month ago


to give an example of the rumbling noise they make, its similar to this: The Gen 0 are an early black fae that spawned from Berengar when he was still alive. They're usually referred to as " the first born sons " or " the first ones. " among the gen 2 (the current black fae species). They first sprouted from Berengar's fallen quills during the great fae war to destroy the massive abomination when he had taken over Evergrow (the green fae territory) and this made the war turn to Berengar's favor as the massive king was a walking pin cushion with an endless supply of these said quills. Though "born", at the time the gen 0 did not have a will of their own and were tossing themselves madly at the other faes as if they were merely nothing more than marionettes for the corrupted king to manipulate against his foes; However once Berengar finally fell, so did the gen 0 start to slump over and become seemingly lifeless; any that were left outside the magic barrier to keep Berengar in were immediately destroyed so that the corruption could not continue to spread while those inside the barrier were mostly eaten by the wildlife and caused the flora and fauna to twist into horrific shells of their former selves. It was only a while (maybe a year) later that any of those left of the gen 0 started to rise up and act on their own accord for unknown reasons but this was also at the time of the gen 1 black fae starting to crawl out of the rotting fluid around Berengar's corpse. While the gen 0 tolerated one other and even seem to bond with their own, the gen 1 however were not as kind and actually started to rip each other apart rather than hooking up to mate like a normal species would. As you can guess the gen 0 (being a male only species.) took this as an opportunity to snatch any females of the gen 1 and forcibly mate with them; producing the beginnings of the gen 2 black faes. They even adopted the instinct of taking their hellish spawn away from the mothers and raise the gen 2 by themselves until they were able to stand on their own. (since if they didn't the mother would just eat them.) with the male gen 1 not mating with the gen 1 females and them killing each other at every chance, plus the gen 0 being the only ones mating with the females; the gen 1 are long gone extinct (save a certain Sky Seer, however its debatable if he even is of the gen 1 or is he a different creature to rise from Berengar's corpse entirely.) and have been replaced by the gen 2. As for the gen 0, there is only 1 left due to the rest being killed by their offspring during the domination wars. "the lonely hermit" is treated like an urban legend among the younger black fae but the eldest of the species know that he does exist and the only reason they have not killed him is because hes so far out of their way that hes not even really worth it. The black fae species belong to me, :iconvonderdevil: as a note: The gen 0 are a very primal black fae and are more a wild animal than a sentient being, thus they should not be held to human criticism on their actions, the lonely hermit also does not mingle with the more recent gen 2 black faes as he does not speak their language and is not capable of thought on their level. He also has a vague memory of the earlier gen 2 killing his kind so hes very wary and turns instantly hostile once a gen 2 gets too close.