
5 years, 2 months ago




OCCUPATIONPirate, Captain of Estognya's III Division
THEME Training


If there existed a physical manifestation of the word "liar," Asad would be it. It's not just a habit he picked up in his youth, he was born with the gift of a silver tongue, and he doesn't hesitate to charm his way into and out of every situation he possibly can. It comes as easily to him as breathing, he's born of a jackal with the grin of a fox, a chaotic spirit possessing but one goal, to cause mischief and mayhem and sow the seeds of discord amongst brethren. Heed this advice, do not trust a single word that comes out of his mouth. Once he's started on a yarn, he'll go on forever, confusing and confounding the listener until they cannot discern fiction from reality. 

One thing leads to another, and Asad's lying ability led to the creation of all his different personas. His true identity is unknown to anyone apart from his crew, and these contingencies exist to avoid taking responsibility for his actions. After all, you can't be mad at Adam Teach, extraordinary linguist and historian-turned-profiteer, for something that Flannery Drake, treasure hunter and expert navigator, has done! When he gets into character, it's like he's an entirely different person, though few occasions exist where he's been caught in his lie and ended up in twice the trouble. In these cases, he invents new personas on the fly, and convinces his detractors of his noble heart and good intentions, striking up new deals with them at uncanny speed.

In reality, rarely are his intentions innocent. Terribly selfish and self-serving, Asad cares about few things, and of those things, wealth and treasure are at the top. Asad does not do favours for free. This sly bastard is always scheming to screw everyone else over and come out the victor. He's a snake to the end, crafty and strategic and quick-thinking, though he often gives in to vice and impulse, and thus, often his smaller scale plots fall apart, because all one needs is a hefty bribe and a little bit of ale, and Asad can be smooth-talked to hell and back. It's the plans on a grander scale that tend to succeed, and once he's set his mind to these complex schemes, he's obsessed, mind running like clockwork, until he can finish the job.

As skilled as he is, his fatal flaw is how easily it's gone to his head. Asad is arrogant and self-assured, taking great pleasure in patronizing his enemies and manipulating them, but he is not always the smartest person in the room, and he cannot see that. This overconfidence leads to sloppiness, which leads to discovery, and once Asad's lie has been found out, he acts as an animal backed into the corner, prone to making rash decisions to get out of the entrapment. 

As skilled as he is, his fatal flaw is how easily it's gone to his head. Asad is arrogant and self-assured, taking great pleasure in patronizing his enemies and manipulating them, but he is not always the smartest person in the room, and he cannot see that. This overconfidence leads to sloppiness, which leads to discovery, and once Asad's lie has been found out, he acts as an animal backed into the corner, prone to making rash decisions to get out of the entrapment. 


  • rum, whiskey
  • paintings
  • spicy food


  • being stroked or petted on the head
  • comments on his height
  • being landlocked


  • He has a hard time swearing. It usually just comes out as a weird noise or a replacement word. This is because his uncle would beat him if he used bad language.
  • Whenever he puts his hair into a braid it inexplicably sticks out at an odd angle that cannot be fixed. To make himself feel better he says this is something that has been in his family for generations, however he actually doesn't know why his hair does that.
  • His hair is his "precious baby". If even a strand is cut in a fight, he will show no mercy to his opponent, and cut off a limb in return.
  • Asad considers his whole crew as one of his many "possessions". Anyone who harms his possessions better hide and pray he doesn't find them. 
  • He absolutely can't stand children. 
  • He likes to repeat the quote "Dead men don't speak." It's a play on what his uncle used to tell him, "A good boy doesn't speak, but neither does a dead one."
  • His greatest fear is being forgotten.
  • Asad is bisexual.


Given name: Asad, Arabic — “lion”
Surname: Am Halloran, Irish — derived from Ó hAllmhuráin meaning "descendant of Allmhurán." The given name Allmhurán means "stranger from across the sea"
Nickname: Captain


Japanese: Junichi Suwabe
English: Ian Sinclair



Asad was born in a southern province in Reim. His parents were mostly poor, his mother having no job and his father running an unsuccessful business in the bazaar. He didn't make much money, so they never had any luxuries, only enough for food. His older sister wasn't around much in his life, only coming home to ask her parents for money and then leaving again. After she got a rich boyfriend she never came back. Even though Asad's mother had no job, she would leave the house every morning and wouldn't come back until night time, leaving Asad to be taken to work with his father. He was often too busy to pay any attention to Asad, and so he had to find other ways to keep himself occupied. He discovered he had a knack for acrobatics at an early age. This earned him the notice of some other street boys, and so he did what any young poor boy would do - he turned to stealing. It wasn't long before he ran with a big group of other boys who did the same. His father didn't catch on to it, after all, Asad was very good at hiding things, and as he soon learned, he inherited this from his mother.

It was obviously his mother's fault that his father left. It turned out she was taking money from him and using it to gamble. This wouldn't have been so bad if she hadn't been squandering the money she took, and worse still she started to take more and more. His father couldn't handle it and just up and left. Being left with no alternative, they moved to a tiny town closer to the ocean, a province in west, and took residence with her brother, Asad's uncle.

Life did not improve. Asad's uncle was a jobless drunkard, so his mother had to take up a job that required her to be away from the house from morning until evening. Asad's uncle blamed everyone for his low status in society, and took it out on Asad and his mother. He yelled at them and threw things at them, and it progressively got worse until he started to beat Asad and his mother. He made Asad believe that in a fair world, either everyone suffers or no one does, and by beating him, he was only being "fair". Asad feared and hated his uncle, and he too started to blame everyone for his problems. He was convinced that everyone in town could tell what was happening to him but just didn't care enough to help him. Without realizing it, he began to fall into Depravity. It was a constant vicious cycle of hating and blaming everyone for his problems. He stole just to fill the empty void in his heart and to give him a reason to not be in the house. It didn't help that his mother, though she knew what was going on because he told her, couldn't do anything about it, being too busy and too tired and too afraid to approach her brother.

There was one treasure Asad had that he knew he would be killed for if it was ever discovered he had it. He'd stolen a dagger from his uncle's collection. It shimmered in the light and had a weird inscription on it, and the boy had fallen in love with it the minute he laid eyes on it. So he stole it. His uncle did not notice, but if he ever did Asad would've been on the receiving end of that dagger. He had no reason to keep it, he just loved it, it made him feel good and safe to have it. Besides, what were the chances he'd ever have a real need for it? No harm in having it in his knapsack.

It did bring him harm, as luck would have it. A few years after he'd moved, the pirate situation started to really escalate. Apparently choosing this port as their new base of operations, they took over the town and turned it into a pirate haven where everyone was being kidnapped into slavery or being killed. Reim's soldiers could not do anything, and why should they be able to? The pirates' captain was an Ojinian, Captain Berwick, who had been banished years ago from his homeland for committing an unspeakable crime. Although Asad knew nothing about the Ojinians, he knew that if Captain Berwick ever got his hands on Asad's mother, he'd never see her again.

With their money literally drained in the sea, Asad and his mother had nothing left. She considered selling herself to the pirates, but at fourteen the thought of losing his mother scared him too much. He told her he'd never let her be taken. Well, that plan turned out to be a bust. Asad's uncle had opened his smart mouth in front of Captain Berwick, claimed he had an exquisite beauty that came from an exotic place and could fetch a high price if Berwick wished to sell her and not use her instead. The last straw to appeal to Captain Berwick was when he said that the woman was also half Fanalis and would produce strong children. This caught Berwick's attention, and Berwick agreed to make the transaction.

Asad found out this sale was going to happen from the mother of one of the other kids in town, who came running to the boy's home to warn him that his deadbeat uncle was going to sell his mom. He panicks and races to the docks in time to see his uncle dragging his screaming mother there by her hair. The weight of the stolen dagger from years ago reminds him of the thought that he would never have to use it, and in that moment, right in front of Captain Berwick and his awful crew, he attacks his uncle and stabs him in the neck and face. Before he can get away, he's scooped up by Berwick's gargantuan hand and being yelled at for an explanation.

Asad yells back, unafraid, that his uncle was a lying, thieving, son of a bitch, and Berwick was stupid enough to believe his ploy. If his mother was really a Fanalis, why would she be in this shitty town and not with the Fanalis Corps and the Empress? Berwick cannot answer this question and gets angry, stomping on the gurgling body of Asad's uncle. But instead of hurting Asad and his mother, he says that Asad now owes him a slave, and he knows the perfect one.

Asad was thrown onto Berwick's ship, and it couldn't even be called kicking and screaming because the Ojinian made sure to threaten him enough that he wouldn't try to run. The last image he has of his mother is her crumpling to the sand and screaming after him.

The next 8 years of his life are a bittersweet mess. Asad makes best friends with a Fanalis boy close to his age on the ship (and they fall in love eventually as well), but as he soon finds out, Berwick thinks he has a claim on Fenrir. Asad takes it upon himself to keep anything from happening to the one good thing in his entire life, and so he offers the next bext thing to Captain Berwick, himself. He makes himself sexually available for the captain, though he was not in the least bit willing.

At 22 years old, Asad makes a decision, a decision that costs him his entire happiness. Berwick decides that he no longer cares for Asad and wants to do to Fenrir what he has done to Asad for years, after all, Berwick knew Fenrir would do whatever he said if he only asked, because Fenrir saw Captain Berwick as his father figure. When Berwick tells Asad he's going to get rid of him and make Fenrir his "bitch", Asad decides that enough is enough. He has Eligos at his side, and he uses her to permanently put an end to Berwick by beheading him. This doesn't go over well with Fenrir, and he flew into a fury and attacked Asad. Asad defended himself as much as he could but he knew that things would not end well. Fenrir cursed him and told him he was a monster, then jumped off the side of the ship and ran off.

With Fenrir gone, Asad realizes his uncle was right all along. The only time people were equal was when they were all suffering, and that is why he was always being hurt this way and why all the people who loved him were torn out of his life outside of his own free will. The only time fate was fair to anyone was when it wanted to make them miserable. He fully Falls into Depravity and has a complete and utter breakdown that lasts for quite some time. He never fully recovers from it, and comes out bitter, cold, and determined to make sure that he makes anyone he comes across as equally miserable as he is. Promising that he will never let himself be hurt by anybody again, he begins a life of treachery, taking over his ship and continuing business as usual but even more so than when Berwick was captain.


After conquering Aim, Asad meets with a man named Dareios. At first, Dareios is just another person that Asad wants to corrupt and throw out of his way, but soon it becomes clear that Dareios has an unwavering heart of steel and an impossibly warm kindness to him that has Asad reeling. He tries to avoid the man for fear of being distracted from his goal and especially after Asad finds out that Fenrir had been following in Dareios' footsteps this whole time, but even dead souls seek the light. Swallowing his pride, he allows himself to gravitate towards Dareios, to care for him, and eventually to trust him. Once Dareios knows the full story, he reassures Asad that he still loves and cares for him no matter what. Without noticing it, Asad had started to warm up just like Dareios.


Asad's occupation has changed. Instead of a sea ship he now has an airship, and instead of transporting slaves, he gives people without jobs (thanks to Sinbad's shitty economic strategy, that ends up mostly being displaced Kou soldiers and civilians) on his ships. He also makes deliveries and transports people if they need it. Not only that, but he has become one of Dareios' military captains. Apparently, without his noticing a good majority of his pirate crew became a part of his Household and actually assimilated, and this spoke volumes to Dareios about Asad's leadership capabilities. He is ready at a moment's notice to aid Dareios should the country ever need it.

Asad did not reverse his Depravity, and he does not wish to, not after Dareios told him that being Fallen was not a death sentence. Just like with any other mental illness, Asad has learned to cope with it in a much more healthy way than before, and he owes it all to Dareios, his most favorite person.



While he enjoyed watching performers in the streets fight with blades, and his own uncle used to be a swordsman and kept many blades in his household, Asad hadn't handled a sword until he became part of his pirate crew. That didn't stop him from learning to handle a blade. He had a natural affinity for what he called "dancing", and became adept with using a blade with both hands. His fighting style involves a lot of fast movement and jumping around, preferring to tire his opponent out and then take advantage of it. That being said he has no problem using his opponents' weaknesses against them. His physical strength and his flexible, agile body make his slashes deadly. Asad was always flexible and fast, and he began to use that to his advantage as he grew older. He's light on his feet and has quick reflexes, being able to go from a backflip to a side roll with little effort and great fluidity. He started practicing these sorts of movements as a child, using it to steal and hide things from people like his uncle.


  • Quantity of Magoi: 4/5
  • Fighting Ability: 5/5
  • Physical Strength: 4/5
  • Technique: 4/5
  • Leadership Ability: 4/5
  • Wisdom: 3/5


Weapon Equip: His blade turns into a golden sceptre with a snake wrapped around it. It allows him to shoot bolts of lightning out of the head. It has a permanent current running through it that can only be supplied by the Djinn master's magoi, so anybody else that tries to touch the sceptre will end up electrocuted.

Full Equip: In this form he takes on the frightening appearance of a dead spirit, with purple skin and hair, and eerie golden eyes. Two black horns stick out from his head. There are tears in his skin and face where the flesh can be seen underneath, while in other places hard bone sticks out and wraps around his limbs. His collarbones form a sort of necklace, with a gold piercing hanging from them. He is adorned with gold and a long black cloth. He has a third eye on his forehead. 

With the full body Djinn equip Asad has an even greater control over the electricity. He can better direct the way the current flows, and can build up a charge in other objects and cause them to burst out when he wants. If it touches a human or animal, he can then concentrate his electricity in their body so that instead of dying, he can control the electrical signals in their body and force them to move according to his will. Concentrating hard enough will let Asad control the electrical signals in a person's body without having to implant a current of his own, but this takes a huge amount of magoi and concentration, and he can only do this for a small amount of time. 

Extreme Magic: 

Summoning Chant — ❝Spirit of the Serpent's Sceptre, I command thee! Lend me your venom to inject upon the earth, so that they may be bathed in your cleansing essence!❞ 

ذيل الثعبان, translated as Tail of the Serpent, is a Lightning type Extreme Magic that shoots up a thin sliver of electricity into the clouds. The clouds will attract together and effectively start a thunderstorm. A barrage of lightning will rain down and set ablaze anything it comes into contact with. This phase lasts for a short time. It is not the lightning assault that causes the most damage, phase two of this magic. An electric current runs from Asad into the ground, making the whole ground and anything in contact with it electrolyzed. Anything that touches the ground or anything in direct contact (such as trees or buildings) will form another pathway for the current to flow, and they will be electrocuted. The only way to avoid it is to get out of range, use a shield of some sort, or fly into the sky using a Djinn equip.


Weapon Equip: His blade turns into a wooden stick with a small skull on the top of it that flames up whenever Asad invokes Aim's Heat magic. With this weapon he can shoot seeds that explode after a certain amount of time. Using the oil that comes out of the skull, Asad can draw paths and set them ablaze. 

Full Equip: In this form he takes on the appearance of a witch doctor. He wears a doll's stitched mask that has a red, fluffy hood that sticks out to cover the top part of his head. His hair is a dark maroon and is long enough to drag behind him on the floor, held together with only a large pearl. All along his body are white tattoos, with a large skull right on his belly. His piercings are extremely similar to Aim's in this form. He has a third eye on his forehead. 

With the full body Djinn equip Asad's flames burn hotter, brighter, and longer. While in the weapon equip the flames were a red-orange color, in his Djinn equip they are an ominous green color. He can actually shoot out balls of flame in the Djinn equip, and his flames go farther than before. He has more control over the direction and duration of his flames, and he can concentrate small amounts of magoi to make small to large bursts of flame.

Extreme Magic: 

Summoning Chant — ❝Through the Hellfire and Chaos, my sword of Truth shall pierce the hearts of men!❞ 

غضب السماء, loosely translated as Heaven's Wrath, is a Heat type Extreme Magic that calls up tornadoes of flame from the sky. If Asad concentrates his magoi he can make the vortexes burn hotter and have a wider diameter. Using his Metal Vessel he directs them. It is extremely difficult to break free of the vortex once you've been pulled in, but it is not difficult to avoid them. Heaven's Wrath is more for destruction than for strategy, as it looks like Asad is just randomly swinging his Metal Vessel when he uses it. This Extreme Magic causes a lot of damage, however it does not take a lot of magoi to use, so he can use this Extreme Magic multiple times in a row if he wishes.

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