


5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Nightingale Hybrid (Thrush Nightingale/Common Nightingale)




Male (Cis)




Erik was a very early proto companion made in the Facility; he was put into cryo with the hopes to solve the many issues that came from his genetic engineering: he lacks a nose, most feathers, has extremely low adipose tissue, has extreme sensitivity to sunlight. He was revived after the staff of the Facility was sure he could at least survive with treatment to ensure he could maintain enough adipose to sustain himself during sleep. 

When awakened, Erik's keeper realized his similarity to the classic French novel Phantom of the Opera and named him "Erik" after the Phantom. Just as with the novel, Erik prefers to wear a full face mask and uses his voice to convey emotion and, to some degree, manipulate the people around him. 

Name: Erik (Facility: Night)
Sex: Male
---Gender: Male (cis)
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 4'6" // 6'9 at Adult
Weight:  60lb // 100lb at Adult
Species: Nightingale Hybrid (Thrush Nightingale/Common Nightingale)

Hairstyle: Slicked back, thin
Hair Color: Black
Eyes: Glowing Yellow
Skin Tone: Extremely pale, slightly yellowed.

Build: Extremely thin, appearing emaciated
Bee's Handy Dandy Chart Roll: L: 14 / W: 16

Markings: Yellowing on chest, white spots about it.
Traits:  Ear holes, wings, tail, beautiful singing voice
Beak did not develop, skin on face is deformed due to beak failure, mouth cannot close entirely. All feathers are extremely brittle and weak; has extremely low adipose/fatty tissue causing a skeletal appearance.

Voice: Clear tenor
Speech: Formal, whispery quiet.

Typical Outfit/Style: Suits exclusively. Mask to cover deformed face.

Hobbies:  Music, writing music, singing, etc.; Magic tricks and illusions; Architecture; Murder

Strengths: Powerful manipulator, perfect pitch

Weaknesses: Extremely low self worth, microscopic fuse,
Job: Writes music independently

Education: Occasional private apprenticeships

Goals in life: Not sure, to be left alone and produce music.