


5 years, 2 months ago


2. Moonwhisper's App

The Basics

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*Link to Litter: N/A

*Name: Moonwhisper

Name reason: When Moonwhisper was a kit, her mother (who I have a name for but will  not mention) named her Moon due to her pelt colouring. -Whisper came  because of her rather timid personality, and being named after her  father.

*Location of Birth: Moonwhisper was born in StormClan.

*Age: eighteen moons

*Sex: female

*Gender: She identifies as female most of the time, however, there are  occasional times where she prefers to be referred to as a personality  rather than a gender. (They, them)

Sexuality: bi-sexual

*Skills: Swimming - Moonwhipser's swimming skills aren't as great as her hunting  or jumping skills, but she will find any excuse to get her paws into  water.

Hunting - Her hunting is top notch, especially since her style  is oddly different than the one all the other warriors are taught.


Future: Do you have something planned out for your cat's future?


*Fur color and markings: Pelt is mainly milk white, with faint or hard to see light silver patches all over.

*Fur length: long

*Body size: Moonwhisper frame is small, almost frail. She's also very slender.

*Eye color: Grey with blue flecks. They appear white in certain lighting.



*Personality paragraph: I'm going to describe each category in one paragraph, it just helps me so that my thoughts do not get cluttered.

Moonwhisper  is wise, very much so. Despite her experiences in her lifetime, she  chooses to keep her thoughts to herself, and as she thinks, she finds  herself finding solutions to clan problems. Rather then saying them  aloud, she allows the clan to figure it out upon themselves, in order  for them to grow as cats. As such, she's also tended to other's flaws,  unable to fix her own. A cat known as Grayfang (roleplayed by Fawnstar)  was arrogant before meeting her, and another heard just the words she  needed to hear from Moonwhisper during a time of distress. As well as  being smart, Moonwhisper is also very calm. During clan distresses, she  can sit through it without batting an eyelash. I believe this also falls  under disciplined, but that's up to you. Do to her quiet atmosphere,  Moonwhisper is also very, very independent. Almost unhealthily so. She  refuses to go on patrols, be it hunting or border, and she gets  awkwardly uncomfortable around other cats.

Moonwhisper's negative  traits practically consume her. She's always anxious that something  might go wrong, and she has crippling anxiety when it comes to talking  to others. She's overly cautious, almost to the point of hiding away  most of the time. From the outside, other cats find her to appear cold,  since she avoids interaction 24/7. I'm sure grim falls under all these,  but she has a kind of depression aura around her.

Moonwhisper is very  shy and timid. She refuses to interact with other cats, but most of the  time, she will follow them if they ask her to hunt with them. Cute?  Yes.

*Trait lists:

*+ wise, calm, disciplined, independent

*- anxious, cautious, cold, grim

*: shy, timid, follower, cute

Likes: - She likes being alone. That way, she can think aloud.

- Moonwhisper enjoys hunting, especially alone.

- Moonwhisper isn't the best at fishing, but she loves fish.

- She loves swimming.

- She loves nighttime, especially when there's stars.

Dislikes: - Moonwhisper does not like heights.

- She also does not like the Boggy Land.

- She doesn't like battles, as everything happens too fast for her to comprehend what to do- so she runs.

-  She doesn't like being in groups, as other cats accuse her for not  actively contributing to the patrol. She also doesn't like patrolling  the borders, as this, at least in her mind, is ASKING to be caught in a  fight.

Fears: - Mud/sinking

- Battles

- Failing

- Falling



History: When Moonwhisper was born in StormClan, she had a brother with her.  Nowadays, she calls him Loudcloud, because he never received his warrior  name, let alone became an apprentice. Her brother was almost the  opposite of Moonwhisper, very talkative and loved getting messy. During a  time of being mischievous, Loudkit had coaxed Moonkit to sneak out with  him to Boggy Land. The entire time, he was cheerful and rolling around  in the mud while Moonkit kept trying to shake the mud off her paws and  was herself, only for her brother to dirty her more and more.

While playing, however, Loudkit got stuck in the mud, and he died from suffocation.

Moonwhisper still has PSTD from this, and often thinks about it.

When  she began her training, her mentor taught her properly, though it never  stuck, and after awhile after her training, when she was a warrior, she  adapted an entirely new style that felt more comfortable for her slim  build.

That's when she went with her mother on patrol. They  encountered MidnightClanners on their side of the border, and a fight  ensued. Her mother was badly injured, Moonwhisper panicked, and then a  tree began falling (timber!).

All the cats scattered, except for Moonwhisper's mother, and she died in the tree fall.

Moonwhisper stopped going on patrols after that, and she stays to herself.

Her father, however, is still alive, and he looks after her occasionally.