Drusa Kane



9 years, 7 months ago


Restless, searching, magnetic, chaotic, unstable

Drusa is something of an enigma, always restless and moving and withholding of their past. They have turned far more than their share of humans into vampires, and unfortunately, has left a number of them to fend for themselves without proper training. They felt unfulfilled in their human life, and that translated into an insatiable search for something to fill the void in their undeath. It's rumored that Drusa was a vampire hunter that got forcibly turned, but no one is sure.

If you didn't know any of that, you might find them fascinating and unusual. They intermingle with a wide array of social groups, listening deeply to others' stories and encouraging them to share their woes with them. If they take a real interest in someone, their intensity and bond increase rapidly - often before the other person realizes it. There are a few common themes that Drusa seems to hone in on when choosing targets, but the main one is their sense of powerlessness in their lives. Something about the ability to play God really feeds into Drusa's psyche; they can choose to turn someone, giving them the power they've been craving, but then can sit back and watch as that power either saves them or drowns them. It never matters which, what matters is the show.

Drusa is physically androgynous, and responds to any pronouns.

  • Is around 200 years old, but keeps a low profile with other vampires so they aren't well known in many established social circles.
  • Loves to create chaotic situations when things get too 'boring'. Drusa has mastered the art of instigating and then fading into the background to watch.

Motifs: Mist and bats.


[Pale yellow-blonde hair - Cherry red eyes - Sickly pale skin]