


5 years, 2 months ago
Trade Listing
For Trade
For Offer


◇Name: Cyl

Age: None

◇Species: Robotic Cat

◇Gender: Male

◇Weaknesses: Too much Water, Too much Fire

◇Strengths: Really good hearing, Feels empathy for others

◇-Traits: Grumpy, Lonely, Restless

◇+Traits: Brave, Compassionate

◇=Traits: Sarcastic

Likes: Alone time, Dry and safe places

Dislikes: Males, Goldfish, Crowds

Mother: None

Father: None

Siblings: All other destroyed/dead models like him.

Bio: Cyl is one of the first few models of pets they tried to do, they made them look more real by adding fur and other items, but they broke too easily and the fur was easily torn off. Cyl was brought into a house With two twin brothers who ended up ripping him apart. The parents blamed the company and sent him back. The company threw him out and thought they turned him off, but they didn't. Cyl is scared of people and especially hates males.

Extras or notes: His voice is scratchy and will cuts out randomly. Secretly wants to be like a normal cat and be loved. Teeth are made out of weird clear, but semi sharp plastic.

Theme song: Middle Finger, by Bohnes