• Min • (notes)



“so its one of three extreme mood changes he can experience

one is lethargy/intense nothingness where his eyes turn completely white and he basically dissociates into the void and becomes little more than a ghost

one is extreme instability which is usually contributed to by his shadow, Nim, and he becomes a demon, usually his physical shape changes as well cuz theyre very symbiotic(nim is basically born as his coping method for trauma) but he always has some twisted form of antlers and often shifting, changing eyes. Most of them move around but he has eyes where his inner ears would be at all times

and now feral min

where he just devolves to base instincts(which is bad enuf cuz he has both predator and prey behaviors) and becomes a glorified wild animal(and generally this leads to him trying to eat people). a dead giveaway of feral min is rainbow eyes and sometimes, in the most extreme cases, rainbow drool and blood and tears(bodily fluids in general)

so like tl;dr; extreme low, extreme high, extreme neutral”