Lucifra Noir



5 years, 2 months ago


Lucifra was born in a small town outside of Capitol, where she and a gang of other troublemakers acted as the local ne'er-do-wells. When their antics brought them to a graveyard at night, Lucifra was enticed by will-o'-the-wisps and led away from her group, at which point she came face to face with a demon that introduced itself as "the Dreadkeeper." It offered her immense power through a set of magical chains. Lucifra, in her boldness, accepted without fearing the repercussions. As the demon laughed and descended into an open grave, the chains tightened around Lucifra's body and dragged her into the ground, her screams muffled by the immense necrotic magic.

When Lucifra awoke, she was much older. Around her she saw nothing, the wildlife having taken over the remains of the town she grew up in. There was nothing for miles but a ruined grave and a dirt road. A passing caravan offered her a ride to Capital, which was, as they said, "the only civilization for miles." They didn't seem to question her otherworldly attire or oddly shining chains tightly bound to her body.

In Capitol, Lucifra wandered the streets, making a living by picking pockets, until she found the help of a wise archbishop. He introduced himself as Seneschale Von Deroc, and offered to take Lucifra in and teach her how to control her powers. This was a good arrangement for her, until she robbed him blind and took off into the night, only to be caught by a local guard on late night patrol. As punishment, Seneschale enrolled her at Capitol Academy, in hopes of setting her on the right track.

Lucifra attended classes for half a year, her history of delinquency earning her a spot in detention the first day of winter break. After some mishaps with a secret room and a wraith which led to a fellow student, a gnomish girl, being killed and resurrected, Lucifra was quietly expelled from the school. The ordeal taught her compassion, and so immediately she returned to Seneschale, only to find he had passed away that morning. Furious at herself, Lucifra ran into the night, resuming her old ways.