
Name: Roachstrike

(Roach- to encourage resilience, -strike for his skill in battle)


GenderCis Tom, He/Him


An elder who used to be among the strongest cats in his clan. Unfortunately, age has caught up to him, leaving his joints frail and his stamina low. However, he's not about to give up his love of the fight! He spends his days giving the apprentices battle lessons, being the perfect target to train on. Is still eager for some thrills and mischief, and will often go on "patrols" himself just to get his blood pumping. Don't get him wrong, he loves the retired life, but he doesn't want to spend all day sitting around! A confidant of the leader due to his age and wisdom, but everything he says is often taken with a grain of salt, as he's still the same battle-hungry cat he used to be, even if toned down.