Amber LaFlamme



5 years, 2 months ago


**Birth Name :** Amber LaFlamme

**Legal Full Name :** ^

**Nicknames / Aliases :** n/a

**D.O.B. :** 9/15

**Age :** 44

**Sex / Gender :** Cis Female

**Pronouns :** She/Her

**Sexuality :** Bisexual

**Affiliations :** Blue Flames [Previously, current Associate], Kotka College

**Current Occupation :** Professor at college

**Criminal Record :** Charged with involuntary manslaughter.

**Marital Status :** Widow

**Education Level :** College Graduate

**Skills / Degree :** Quite good with poisons, guns, and hand to hand combat; Certified in CPR & First Aid. / Degrees in Biology, Human Genetics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Toxicology

**Height :** 5'4

**Hair Color :** Short and curly ombre brown hair.

**Eye Color :** Amber.

**Physical Aids :** n/a

**Chronic Conditions :** n/a

**Voice:** Stephanie Beatriz (in the role of Rosa Diaz)

**Personality :** Amber's hard to read and cold-hearted, stern and unrelenting, and a surprisingly good college professor. She gives off an intimidating feel and expects things to be done for her as soon as she asks, not taking any shit. She's known for her sarcastic quips and rude behavior, but deep down she does actually care for her students.

**Background :**  Amber was actually a happy and perky person throughout her childhood and teenage years, originally planning to become a trauma surgeon. However, after she met her future husband in college, her plans changed from trauma surgeon to biologist, as the two planned to work together in the same field. The two married just a few years after college, and it was only after that Amber found out her husband was involved in the mafia (under the Blue Flames). She supported him for a while until he started getting involved with suspicious men and eventually killed. Although Amber did get accidental revenge, she dropped out of all mafia-related affairs and took up teaching.

**Other :**

- Has spent two years in prison.