Freya Fleur



5 years, 1 month ago



Freya Fleur

Female (she/her)



Species: Bengal Tigress
Orientation: Demisexual
Birthday: September 5th
Height: 5'3
Star Sign: Virgo
Created: July 2009
Occupation: Mechanical Engineer


  • Learning
  • Inventing
  • Reading
  • Swimming


  • Physical confrontation
  • Bad designs
  • Creative restriction
  • Olives



Freya is a technical genius of an extremely high caliber, and can often be found tinkering with various machinery and tech. Once she gets in her zone, it can be tough to break her concentration and usually results in her spending hours upon hours in her work. Which suits her just fine as she prefers her books and inventions to social interactions. She can be extremely oblivious to the intentions of others, often missing social cues and context, taking things literally, missing jokes, and other such things.

Although initially shy and avoidant, Freya enjoys the company of her close friends and has quite a mischievous streak when she’s comfortable. Earning her trust means having a thoughtful and loving friend who will happily share her world with you.

Freya was born into an large, affluent tiger clan and wanted for nothing growing up. Her mother and father greatly encouraged their daughter’s insatiable appetite for knowledge and creation, allowing her to become the intellectual powerhouse she is today.


Soft orange with white around her muzzle, front, palms and soles, she has common tiger stripes and markings, with a few distinctive stripes on her face. She is rather short with a rather soft build. Her hair is long and straight cut, usually in twintails, and is an aquamarine green that fades to a periwinkle blue at the ends.

Freya loves cute dresses and adores EGL fashion. Working around machines and potentially dirty parts does not deter her from wearing cute frills and bows, but she does always were a set of gloves to keep her hands clean and safe.


Freya’s greatest asset is her brain. The gadgets and tech she and her team use on a daily basis are her own inventions. No code is too tough to crack given enough time. If it’s got circuitry and moving parts, Freya can dismantle it and reassemble it in her own vision in no time flat.
